True Vampire

Race Information

Vampires are undead beings known for their need to feed on the blood of the living. Originally humans or other races, they were transformed into vampires through a curse or the bite of another vampire. They are feared and revered in many cultures for their supernatural powers and immortality.    


Hierarchical Covens:
Vampire society is often structured in covens, with a powerful vampire lord or elder at the top. These covens can be family-like or strictly hierarchical, depending on the leadership.  
Secret Existence:
Vampires typically exist on the fringes of society, concealing their true nature. They blend into human societies, using their charm and powers to hide their undead status.  
Ancient Traditions:
Vampiric culture is steeped in ancient traditions and customs. Many vampires adhere to old codes of conduct, passed down through generations of undead.  
Solitary or Social:
Some vampires prefer a solitary existence, distancing themselves from both human and vampire societies. Others thrive in the company of their kind, forming close-knit, secretive communities.    


Hidden Enclaves:
Vampires are found in hidden enclaves across Faerûn, often in large cities where they can blend in or in remote castles and crypts.  
Specific Regions:
Certain regions are notorious for their vampire populations, such as the mist-shrouded lands of Barovia, or the city of Westgate known for its Night Masks. In Faerûn, vampires navigate an existence shrouded in mystery and darkness. Their society, hidden from the eyes of the living, is rich with ancient traditions and complex hierarchies. The life of a vampire is one of eternal night, balancing the need to sustain their undead existence with the ever-present threat of discovery and destruction.   Vampires in the Savage Frontier, a region known for its untamed landscapes and dangerous inhabitants, might be present for several reasons:  
Seeking Refuge:
The Savage Frontier, with its remote and wild areas, provides an ideal refuge for vampires seeking to escape hunters or rival vampire factions from more civilized areas.  
Hunting Grounds:
The sparsely populated region offers hunting opportunities for vampires who prefer to avoid the complications of densely populated urban centers. The isolation of the Savage Frontier means fewer prying eyes and potentially less competition from other vampires.  
Power and Domination:
Vampires, often driven by a desire for power, might see the Savage Frontier as a new territory to dominate and control. They could establish themselves as rulers over the scattered human settlements or other creatures in the area.  
Ancient Artifacts or Knowledge:
The Savage Frontier, with its history of ancient civilizations and magical mysteries, might draw vampires interested in arcane knowledge, ancient artifacts, or hidden powers that could enhance their abilities or break curses.  
Cults or Followers:
Vampires might establish or join cults in the Savage Frontier, attracting followers with promises of power or eternal life. The remote nature of the region makes it easier to conceal such activities from the wider world.  
Escaping the Sun:
The dense forests and cavernous landscapes of the Savage Frontier provide ample cover from sunlight, allowing vampires more freedom to roam and operate.  
Rivalry and Conflict:
Vampires might be drawn into the conflicts and power struggles inherent to the Savage Frontier, either as mercenaries, leaders, or manipulators working behind the scenes.  
Personal Quests:
Vampires might venture into the Savage Frontier in search of a cure for their vampirism, to fulfill a personal vendetta, or to escape a troubled past.  
Mystical Research:
The unique magical and natural energies of the Savage Frontier might offer unique opportunities for vampires interested in mystical research or the study of rare magical phenomena.  
Alliances with Other Creatures:
The region's diverse array of creatures, including other undead, monstrous beings, and magical entities, might provide unique opportunities for alliances or pacts that serve the vampire's interests.  
Solitude and Reflection:
Some vampires might seek the solitude of the Savage Frontier as a place for introspection or to contemplate their existence away from the complexities of vampire society.  
Expansion of Influence:
Ambitious vampires might see the Savage Frontier as an untapped resource, ripe for exploitation and expansion of their influence, whether for personal gain, to build a power base, or as part of a larger scheme.    


Feared by Society:
Vampires are generally feared and hunted by other races due to their predatory nature and the myths surrounding them.  
Complex Relationships:
Relationships between vampires and other races can be complex. While some vampires disdain their former race, others may maintain connections to their human life.  
Alliances and Rivalries:
Vampires may form alliances with other undead or creatures of the night. Rivalries between different vampire covens are common, often leading to power struggles.  
Tension with Hunters:
Vampire hunters and holy orders dedicated to eradicating undead pose a constant threat, leading to a life of caution and secrecy for vampires.   Vampires in Faerûn, characterized by their predatory nature and eternal unlife, have a unique perspective on other races, shaped by their needs, desires, and often detached outlook. Here's a general overview of how vampires might view various races:  
Vampires often see humans primarily as prey. They are the most common source of sustenance for vampires and can also be manipulated into becoming thralls or unwitting pawns. Vampires may admire humans for their vitality and variety but ultimately view them as inferior beings to be used.  
Elves and Dwarves:
Elves, with their long lifespans and mystical nature, might intrigue vampires, who could see similarities in their longevity and detachment from the typical flow of life. Dwarves, being sturdy and less susceptible to charms, might be seen as more challenging prey or worthy adversaries.  
Halflings and Gnomes:
These smaller races might be viewed as inconsequential by vampires unless they serve a specific purpose, such as easy targets for feeding or manipulation.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Vampires might view these more brutish races as crude and undisciplined, lacking the finesse or intrigue that more civilized races offer. However, they could be seen as useful muscle or distractions in certain schemes.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
The unique nature of these planetouched races, especially their connections to the infernal and celestial realms, could either intrigue or repel vampires, depending on the individual vampire's history and inclinations.  
Other Vampires:
Vampires often have complex relationships with their own kind. They can be allies, rivals, or mortal enemies, depending on territorial disputes, ancient grudges, or differing views on the vampire condition.  
Other Supernatural Creatures:
Vampires may feel a kinship with other undead or supernatural beings, though relationships are often complex and filled with intrigue. They might ally with creatures like liches or fiends for mutual benefit or power struggles.    

Physical Qualities

Undead Appearance:
Vampires retain the appearance they had in life, though they often become paler and more gaunt. Their eyes may glow red or become darker, and their canine teeth elongate into fangs.  
Supernatural Abilities:
Vampires possess enhanced strength, speed, and senses. They have the ability to regenerate, turn into bats or mist, and exert influence over the minds of others.  
Sunlight Vulnerability:
Vampires are notoriously vulnerable to sunlight, which can harm or destroy them. They are also harmed by holy symbols, garlic, and cannot enter a residence without invitation.    

RP Guide

Eternal Existence:
Roleplaying a vampire involves grappling with the concept of immortality and the moral implications of feeding on the living. Consider the loneliness and detachment that might come with such a long existence.  
Predatory Nature:
Emphasize the vampire's struggle between their predatory instincts and any remnants of their human morality.  
Coven Dynamics:
Explore the relationships and politics within your character's coven, including loyalty, rivalry, and the struggle for power.  
Secretive Lifestyle:
Vampires must hide their true nature to survive. Roleplay the challenges of living in the shadows, constantly wary of vampire hunters and exposure.

Civilization and Culture


Cursed Origins:
The origins of vampirism are often attributed to ancient curses or dark rituals. This history is filled with tales of tragedy, betrayal, and transformation.  
Conflict and Isolation:
Vampires have a long history of conflict with living societies, leading to their isolation and the formation of secretive covens.  


Varied Beliefs:
Vampires may retain the religious beliefs they had in life, abandon them, or adopt new beliefs that align with their undead nature.  
Deities of Death and Night:
Some vampires may worship deities associated with death, night, or darkness, such as Shar, Myrkul, or Cyric.   Vampires in Faerûn, due to their undead nature and often sinister inclinations, may gravitate towards deities that align with darkness, night, death, or blood. Here are some deities from the Faerûnian pantheon and beyond that vampires might worship:  
As the goddess of darkness and loss, Shar might appeal to vampires, particularly those who see beauty or solace in the darkness and the night.  
The god of lies, murder, and strife, Cyric's domains align with the deceptive and often malevolent nature of many vampires.  
Known as the god of murder, Bhaal's penchant for death and killing could resonate with vampires, especially those who revel in their predatory nature.  
The goddess of pain and suffering, Loviatar's cruel and merciless aspects might attract vampires who take pleasure in the suffering of their victims.  
Known as the Archmage of Necromancy, Velsharoon's focus on undead and necromancy could make him a patron for vampires seeking to understand and embrace their undead nature.  
The Beastlord, associated with bloodlust and hunting, might be venerated by vampires who see themselves as apex predators.  
The god of thieves and shadows, Mask's domain includes the stealth and secrecy that many vampires must practice to survive and thrive.  
Goddess of disease and poison, some vampires might see a connection with Talona, especially if their vampirism is viewed as a form of affliction or curse.  
The Red Knight:
Known for her strategic mind, The Red Knight might appeal to vampires who value cunning and strategy over brute force.  
The god of drow warriors and slaughter, Selvetarm could attract vampires who view their existence as a constant battle for survival.


Kit Items
Fangs (Attached)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Pointy Fangs [A]
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Boots of Icarus [Low Gravity]
Shapeshifting (Grey Wolf)
Shapeshifting (Black Wolf)
Shapeshifting (White Wolf)
Shapeshifting (Bat Demon)
Same as Base Race   Lifespan:
Ageless   Starting Language(s):
Common, Base Race Languages   Suggested Alignment:
Any Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific  


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, +1 to a mental stat of your choosing (WIS, INT, CHA)

Saving Throws:
+1 to ALL saving throws

Damage Resistance:
Necrotic, +2 DT



A true vampire may have a maximum of three Fledgelings. Fledgelings gain the following as part of their transformation:
  • Resistance to Necrotic damage
  • Vampiric regeneration for 2 hitpoints
  • Spider Climb (See below)
  • Vampiric Bite once per short rest. (See below)
  • Innate Spells
    Gain access to the following spells:
  • Charm Creature
  • Dominate Creature
  • Misty Step
  • Vampyric Bite
    As an Action, make a melee attack against a target within one tile of you, adding +2 to your hit modifier for the attack. This is a keen finesse attack that deals 2d6+Modifier True damage. You heal for 2d6+Mastery on a successful bite. This may be used twice per short rest.
    Children of the Night
    This ability functions as the scrying ritual; but instead of a wisdom saving throw the target will make a perception check.
    There are alternative physical visages that the True Vampire may wear. They have ‘Two’ Polymorph forms that may be changed on a monthly basis via ticket.
    Vampiric Regenaration
    At the end of each round during which you have not taken radiant damage, heal for 4 hitpoints. Regeneration must be used during your turn. This regeneration persists even in your various wild shapes.   A true vampire can not be killed by conventional means; and must be staked in their coffin to permanently die. If a true vampire is killed by any other means, they materialize in their coffin with devastating wounds.
    Wall Crawler
    You can move along walls without issue and gain +1 movement.
    You may adopt either the Wolf and Giant Bat transformations as a full action. You may adopt these forms as part of a pre combat buff and 2 additional uses of wild shape.
    • You can not cast in either of these forms.
    • You can not use weapons in either of these forms.
    • You may not wear armor in either of these forms.
    • You can only use abilities granted to you by the transformation while in these forms. You maintain passive abilities. (Regeneration, Wall Crawler, Ext)
    • It takes a free action to drop out of any form.
    Giant Bat Form
    +8 Temporary Hitpoints
    16 AC
    +2 Dex Saves, +2 Con Save, +3 Initiative, +3 Stealth, +3 Perception
    +1 Movement   Melee Attack:
    1d10+8 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 to hit.   Abilities:
    The Giant Bat has the following abilities.   (Action) Vampyric Bite:
    Available in this form; uses the same charges as the one on core vampire.   (Free) Action Attack:
    Make a second melee attack as a free action.   (Passive) Flight:
    Considered flying for the purposes of retreating, given the Boots of Icarus to simulate easier travel. True flight unlocked at master.   (Passive) Vampiric Regeneration:
    At the end of each turn during which you have not taken radiant damage, heal for 4 hitpoints.


    Blood Ravenous
    The Vampire must feed every four days. Failure to do so will result in a -1 AC, -1 to Attack, -1 Spell DC, and -2 to all saving throws as the Vampire loses composure and concentration, and the need for blood fills their mind.