

Corinthar operated under a monarchical government led by a king who is one of the key vassals under the Emperor of Cetandar. The king holds significant regional power, responsible for the city’s prosperity and the welfare of its citizens. His duties include overseeing taxation, maintaining safety and public order, and ensuring the city and its surrounding areas are well-maintained and adequately supplied. This involves intricate management of resources and strategic planning to support a thriving economy boosted by its status as a major trade hub. The king is also tasked with the defense of the region, fortifying not just Corinthar but also securing the safety of the trade routes that connect to other parts of the kingdom.   The king’s authority is distributed among several noble lords, each governing their own towns and managing their respective villages. This delegation of power allows for more localized and efficient governance, where each lord is intimately familiar with the needs and challenges of their jurisdiction. These lords are not merely administrators but are also part of the king’s council, playing crucial roles in broader decision-making processes that affect the entire region. They are tasked with implementing the king’s directives, collecting taxes, and handling local judicial matters. This system ensures that while the king retains overall control, day-to-day governance is intimately connected with the local populace, providing a governance structure that is both hierarchical and responsive to the needs of its people.


City Walls

The most prominent feature of Corinthar's defenses is its massive city walls. These walls are constructed from solid stone, standing approximately 40 feet high and 12 feet thick, designed to withstand sieges and assaults. The walls encircle the entire city, with strategically placed battlements and crenellations that provide cover for archers and guards.

Defensive Towers

Every few hundred yards along the city walls, towers rise to heights of about 60 feet. These towers are used for surveillance and as positions from which defenders can launch arrows or pour boiling oil on attackers. The towers are also equipped with signal beacons to alert the city in the event of an attack.

Main and Secondary Gates

Corinthar’s main gate is a formidable structure with a heavy portcullis and thick oak doors reinforced with iron. It is flanked by two large towers and is equipped with murder holes above the entrance. Smaller secondary gates around the city offer access points that are also heavily guarded and fortified, each featuring their own portcullis and guard towers.


A deep and wide moat surrounds Corinthar, filled with water from the nearby river. This moat acts as a first line of defense to hinder the advance of ground troops and siege engines. Drawbridges at each gate can be raised to cut off access, making it difficult for attackers to reach the walls.

Raised Bridges

The bridges connecting Corinthar with the outside world are engineered to be raised or destroyed in the event of an invasion. This includes smaller pedestrian bridges as well as larger vehicular bridges at key points along the trade routes.

Arsenal and Armory

Within the city, an extensive arsenal stocks a variety of weapons and siege equipment, ready to be deployed as needed. The armory ensures that the city's defenders are well-equipped with the latest armor and weaponry.


The city maintains several barracks within and just outside the walls, housing a standing army ready to defend the city or quell internal disturbances. These facilities are strategically located to respond swiftly to any point along the wall or any city gate.

Emergency Protocols

Corinthar has well-established emergency protocols, including signals for rallying defenders, evacuation routes for civilians, and pre-planned responses to various types of attacks. These protocols are regularly drilled and updated to ensure readiness.

Industry & Trade

Corinthar's status as a pivotal trade hub in the realm of Cetandar is underpinned by its strategic location near a river and at the crossroads of major trade routes. This geographic advantage facilitates the inflow and outflow of goods and services, making it a bustling center of commerce. The river serves not only as a natural highway for transporting bulk goods but also supports a thriving local fishing industry, which contributes fresh produce to the city's markets and beyond.   The city's industry is diverse, with a robust manufacturing sector rooted in both traditional crafts and more organized enterprises. Artisans in the Craftsman’s Ward produce a wide array of goods, from textiles and leatherwork to metal goods and pottery. These products are renowned for their quality and craftsmanship, fetching high prices in markets both local and international. Additionally, Corinthar's workshops and small factories engage in the production of armor and weapons, catering to both the city’s defense needs and demands from various mercenary groups and foreign entities. This blend of artisanal and semi-industrial production not only drives the city's economy but also fosters innovation and skill development among its craftsmen.   Trade in Corinthar is highly organized, facilitated by the Merchant’s Quarter where traders from across the region and beyond gather to buy and sell goods. The marketplace is vibrant, with merchants dealing in spices, silk, precious metals, and artworks, alongside more common commodities like grain and timber. The presence of guilds helps regulate trade practices, ensuring quality and fair dealings, which enhances Corinthar’s reputation as a reliable and prosperous trade center. Furthermore, the city’s financial infrastructure, including banks and trading houses, supports these commercial activities by providing loans and credit facilities, helping to fuel economic growth and stability in the wider region.


The city is encircled by sturdy stone walls, a testament to its strategic importance and the need for defense against potential threats. The main gates are heavily fortified and constantly guarded, controlling both the ingress of goods and the flow of people. Inside, the city is laid out with a network of cobblestone streets that facilitate easy movement of carts and pedestrians. The central marketplace, located near the docks along the river, serves as the heart of commercial activity, featuring diverse stalls and shops that sell everything from local produce to exotic goods from distant lands.   The river, a critical asset for Corinthar, is lined with wharves and warehouses. These structures are robustly built to handle the large volumes of goods being transported to and from the city. To manage the water supply, an advanced system of aqueducts and wells distributes fresh water throughout the city, essential for both daily living and supporting various trades, such as tanning and brewing, that require significant water use. Public amenities such as baths, sewers, and sanitation facilities are also well-maintained, reflecting the city's prosperity and advanced civic planning. Furthermore, the city supports several large granaries and storage buildings, ensuring a reserve of food and supplies, critical for its resilience during sieges or poor harvests.


The Royal District

This district houses the majestic royal palace and the residences of high nobility. Its streets are lined with ornate buildings, manicured gardens, and guarded by elite troops. The Royal District is not only a center of political power but also hosts various diplomatic events and royal gatherings. The architecture here is the most elaborate in Corinthar, showcasing intricate stonework and expansive courtyards.

The Merchant's Quarter

As the economic heart of Corinthar, the Merchant’s Quarter is bustling with traders, artisans, and shopkeepers. The streets are filled with stalls and stores offering a plethora of goods, from local crafts to imported luxuries. This district is particularly lively during market days when farmers and merchants from surrounding regions come to trade. The infrastructure supports heavy traffic, with broad avenues designed to accommodate both pedestrians and cargo-laden wagons.

The Docklands

Adjacent to the river, the Docklands are critical for Corinthar's trade. This district has a series of wharves, shipyards, and warehouses. It is always bustling with sailors, fishermen, and traders. The area is somewhat less refined than the city's more central districts but is crucial for the import and export of goods. Security here is tight due to the high value of goods passing through daily.

The Craftsman's Ward

Dedicated to artisans of all types—smiths, carpenters, potters, and more—the Craftsman’s Ward is a hive of productive activity. Workshops and small factories dot the landscape, often accompanied by the din of hammers and the glow of forges. This district is vital for maintaining the city's needs for everyday goods and armaments.

The Temple District

Home to the city’s main religious institutions, the Temple District is a place of tranquility and reverence. It features grand temples dedicated to various deities, frequented by pilgrims and citizens alike. The district is known for its beautiful, serene architecture and is a hub for the city's major religious festivals and ceremonies.

The Scholar's Enclave

This district contains Corinthar’s academy, libraries, and schools. It is where scholars, philosophers, and students gather to learn and debate. The architecture is designed to foster a calm and studious environment, with numerous quiet courtyards and gardens. A tower of the Mage's Guild is stationed here, allowing those with a magical inclination to further their studies.

The Barracks and Armory

Situated near the city walls, this district houses the military might of Corinthar. It includes extensive barracks, training fields, and armories. It is strictly regulated and access is generally restricted to military personnel. The district ensures the city’s readiness against any external threats and maintains order within the city limits.

The Commons

The most populous district, the Commons is where the majority of Corinthar’s citizens live. It features a mix of modest housing, small markets, and public spaces. This district is bustling with the daily life of the common folk, providing a stark contrast to the more opulent Royal District or the busy Merchant’s Quarter.


Trade Goods and Stores

Corinthar's prosperity is largely driven by its extensive trade in a variety of goods. The city stores large quantities of grains, textiles, spices, metals, and luxury items like silks and fine wines in its numerous warehouses. These goods not only cater to local needs but also to extensive trading networks that reach far beyond the city's borders.

Military Equipment

The city is well-equipped to defend itself against external threats. It maintains a large stockpile of weapons and armor, including swords, spears, crossbows, and protective gear like shields and helmets. The armory also houses siege equipment such as catapults, ballistae, and battering rams, prepared for deployment in times of war.

Naval Assets

Given its strategic position by the river, Corinthar has invested in a substantial naval force. This includes several warships and numerous smaller vessels used for patrolling and securing trade routes along the river. The Docklands area is equipped with facilities for ship repair and construction, ensuring the fleet is always at readiness.

Artisan Workshops

The Craftsman’s Ward is home to a plethora of workshops that produce everything from everyday household items to specialized goods. This includes blacksmiths, carpenters, jewelers, and potters who not only serve the local population but also create items for export.

Financial Reserves

Corinthar has significant financial assets, accumulated through taxes, tariffs, and trade profits. These reserves are stored in secure vaults and are managed by the city’s treasury. This wealth allows the city to invest in public works, maintain its infrastructure, and hire mercenaries or additional workers as needed.

Architectural and Cultural Assets

The city is rich in architectural marvels, including the royal palace, grand temples, and the academy. These buildings are not only functional but also serve as cultural heritage sites, attracting scholars, pilgrims, and tourists, which further enhances the city's economic profile.

Libraries and Archives

The Scholar’s Enclave houses extensive libraries and archives that contain valuable manuscripts, maps, and historical documents. These are crucial for the education and research purposes of the city and also hold intrinsic value as collections of knowledge.

Real Estate

Real estate within Corinthar, especially in prime districts like the Royal District and Merchant’s Quarter, represents significant capital. The ownership and leasing of these properties generate substantial revenue for both private landlords and the city’s coffers.

Guilds and Factions

Mage's Guild

The Mage’s Guild in Corinthar is a prestigious institution that attracts scholars, wizards, and alchemists from across the land. Located in the Scholar’s Enclave, the guild is dedicated to the study and advancement of magic. It provides training, conducts research, and maintains a vast library of arcane texts. The guild also plays a crucial role in regulating the use of magic within the city, ensuring that it is employed safely and ethically. It serves as an advisory body to the city’s leadership in matters related to magical threats or the use of magic in public works and defense. Any that seek to join the Mage's Guild must provide knowledge that is not already known to the Mage's Guild.

The Merchant's Guild

Central to Corinthar’s economic prosperity, the Merchant’s Guild has a powerful presence in the Merchant’s Quarter. This guild organizes trade fairs, negotiates trade treaties with other cities and regions, and sets standards for goods and services. Members benefit from collective bargaining power, protection of their trade secrets, and a network of resources that facilitate both domestic and international commerce. The guild also arbitrates disputes between merchants and oversees the training and certification of new traders.

Evershield Adventuring Guild

Based in Corinthar, the Evershield Guild is known for its daring adventurers and mercenaries who undertake a variety of missions, from exploring ancient ruins to combating threats to the city’s safety. The guild offers training to aspiring adventurers and serves as a middleman between these adventurers and those in need of their services. It maintains a code of honor and provides its members with support in the form of information, weaponry, and sometimes magical artifacts.

Falcon's Talon Sword School

This prestigious academy is renowned for its mastery in the art of the Falcon's Talon style, focusing on agility and accuracy with shortswords typically. Located near the city's barracks, this school not only trains members of the city's guard but also offers classes to citizens and mercenaries seeking to improve their martial skills.
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17th of Pyrlith, 115
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