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Escapades: Oh Captain, My Captain

General Summary

With a destination in mind but no captain to take them there discreetly the party was at a loss on how to tackle this problem. That is until Milicent Graham offered a dubious suggestion. She had a "friend" who was a "captain" that could smuggle them to Sanorio, but they would have to locate him somewhere in Lakeshore. The captain was a short catfolk by the name Korwan Tambervale, and he was known through the Lakeshore underworld as a scoundrel and is pretty universally disliked as he owed money, favors and much more to many people, some more dangerous than others. She told them to start their search at a fighting pit in Ward 3 as he was an avid gambler.
  Seeking out the fighting pit located in a shady abandoned warehouse in the guts of Ward 3 the party found a bookie named Lok who told them he hadn't seen Korwan but if he did he'd make an example out of him. Olli tried his luck in the ring and emerged victorious before the party moved on to a tip the got as Lok offhandedly mentioned a brothel owner who was also keen on locating the captain.
  Outside Lakeshore's walls in the harbor district sandwiched between the city and Gatbury Lake the party located The Salt Lick. Inside they met the madam, a water genasi by the name of Lady Vivian. She informed the party that she didn't know where the captain was but seemed more intent on killing him than getting her money back. She told the party they would have better luck trying the Dragon Hoard's Tavern which housed a gambling den run by the House of Crows. The den seemed to have no issues letting the captain rack up more and more debt and didn't bar him from the premises.
  Once again on the trail the party wandered the harbor district until they came to the tavern. Inside they met Dondrick, the Goliath bartender who pointed them in the direction of the gambling den. In the den the questioned one of the security, one of Dondrick's sons Koss who told them he hadn't seen the captain lately but if he was in town he had a weakness for a specific foodery called Fork in the Road known for their "Wolfpies" a delicious mini pie made of lamb and heart vegetables, and that he always arrived with one or two in hand.   Once more to a new locale the party arrived at the Fork in the Road to find the owner, a human woman named Tilka, cleaning up a mess. When asked about it she told the party that the captain had been there when a group of thugs from one of the local gangs, the Moonscars, showed up and dragged him off. She told them the Moonscars typically make use of the sewers by the docks and the party rushed there hoping to find the captain still in one piece.
  Locating the mouth of the sewer the party entered quietly to find the captain being beaten by thugs. However before edge had a chance to step in another interested party arrived, the Murks, a sahuagin gang. They regarded the party with little interest before an argument broke out between the two gangs over the captain. In perhaps a twist of good luck at that moment two denizens of the sewers made their appearance, two black puddings interrupted the dispute and began eating the morsels (people) that had foolishly entered their hunting grounds. Suddenly a hectic free-for-all broke out. Most of the Moonscars were consumed in the fight and a few of the Murks before the leader of the Murks called a truce with the party until they all escaped. And escape they did but only just.
  With the badly beaten captain in tow the party along with the Murks retreated to the sewer's entrance. Once there the Murks' leader agreed to let the matter go for now, but asked the party to ensure the captain returned to Lakeshore and that "The House of Crows will take what they are owed." As a final warning to the captain. The party had finally found their smuggler, the question now is was he worth it?

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Found Captain Korwan Tambervale

Character(s) interacted with

Milicent Graham, Lok the bookie, Chives, Derek, Lady Vivian, Dondrick Ashanai, Koss Ashanai, Hokan Ashanai, Tilka Darcia, Colt the enforcer, Hoshu, Korwan Tambervale
Report Date
17 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters
Emmel World Map
World Map of Emmel
Point of Interest
Village: Population >1,000 
Town: Population 1,000~5,000
City: Population 5,000+

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