
Etoille is a Zoraki noble family with a long and honourful history. The family is well rooted in the court of Zorakin and mentioned with honor throughout the Zoraki history. Despite all this, Etoille is not considered as one of the higher noble families, and it does not have the wealth to be considered a main player in intrigues of the court. As such it is a family with many friends and few enemies.   The Etoilles highest ranking member is Baron Daltonne Etoille, who recently inherited the Barony Hilionne from his father. But as the family throughout the generations have had many members knighted, many mansions and estates are owned by the family members. Although the family presence is strong within the barony Hilionne the family is spread throughout the kingdom. Many of the Zoraki nobles consider it an honour to have an Etoille in his/ her service as a knight.   The family have a reputation of being beautiful, and the blond hair and green eyes are more common within the family than usual within Zorakin. According to many the small point on the upper ear on certain family members is a tell tale sign that the family have elven blood in its history.  


Etoilles is an extended noble family and as such spread throughout Zorakin. Members of different strands of the family whom live close by generally have more in common than a relative from the other side of the country.   Around the year 300 Guilthim the head of the family fell in love with an elven girl. They married and had children and a happy life together. After he died she stayed with the family until the last of her grandchildren died. Then she said her goodbyes and left for Goiana, never to be seen in Zorakin again. Her name was T'helevin Awienne-Etoille.


Etoilles are a family whom have had many knights from its rank, but few members who join the church as clergy. They are as pious as most Zorakies but they do not long for a life in the church.   A common trait is the love for the forest and a strong wanderlust, mostly held in check by the word of fealty they have sworn to their liege.   Although they are often sworn to fealty to some other lord, and wear their colours. They make sure that they wear the Etoille weaponry or colours somewhere. It is an old tradition whom never are denied them.

Public Agenda

To follow the king and law of Zorakin.


The Etoille family rules the barony Hilionne and there are knightly mansions/ estates spread out throughout Zorakin. No one in the family have any part in a merchant house, which means that the familys wealth is based on ownership of the land.   If the family were to take to the field of battle together and bring their retinues they would become a significant force, with many skillful knights in their ranks. This is a well known fact in the family, but rather unknown for outsiders.


The first true member of the family were a warrior who was in the kings retiunue. On a dark knight he saved the kings life from an assassin, which were revealed as a bright star on the heaven passed by. The king were grateful and knightet him, giving the name Etoille, meaning shining star. The family have never been a major player in the court, and have chosen wisely which to support or not support. But they have never wavered from the kings side.

Your word means everything, honour it well!

Founding Date
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