Duchy Salamora

The duke of Salamora, Guilliam Labonnet,   For several generations after the conflux the lands which is now the Duchy of Salamora were a wilderness with scattered settlements, made up by vicious and hardy people. They sustained themselves with raiding and thievery from their neighbours. This part of the culture is prevailant today and many nobles raid and war against each other in a way seldom found in the rest of Zorakin.   Salamora is a very depopulated duchy with much unused land. Settlements are clustered together in small areas, but when you leave them it will take a long time before returning to populated areas. Much is wilderness, sparsly patrolled by the local lords. The duchy is considered to be the poorest of all duchies in Zorakin. Within the wilderness there are villages which are considered part of a barony, but where the tax collectors never visits. The barons doesn´t seem to think it is worth the hassle by the barons. As such many villages are forgotten or even have stopped to exist. The people became to few to manage a village and they just left.   Some years ago the duke invaded the Freetown in order to gain access to the trade route with the dwarves. His plan backfired and the dwarven kingdom withdrew all trade with Zorakin. The duke is in conflict with the king as of who should own Freetown. The king claims that as it is not part of the duchy as the duke did not ask the king if it was ok to invade. The ownership should be transfered to the king. The duke disagrees with the king, but put in rather more harsh words.   Within the duchy there are many small bands of marauders, robbers and other lowlife roaming. Sometimes they are even led by lords of Zorakin who have chose to become brigands.       Monsters and other beings:     Harpies: The duchy contains many smaller mountains and cliffs in which Harpies makes their homes. Although not common close to human settlements they are a nuisance for most travelers in the Duchy. Especially to the north where the cliffsides becomes more common. Dragon serpents: Although far from common the Duchy is a known home for them. Almost all baronies have som known location where dragonserpents have made their home. Usually they live in the Aidnemountains, but sometimes they wander through the forest to find new hunting grounds. Fell beast(Flygödla): In the northern part of the Duchy Fell beasts some times comes flying in from the Aidne mountains in search for food. There are no known nests within the Duchy, but on the other side there are large areas where no humans ever ventures. Hippogriffs: There are several known nesting sites of the Hippogriffs within the Duchy. Hydra: There are no known Hydras within the realm, but they are known to live in the Aidne mountains. Throughout history single speciments have been known to migrate south into the duchy. It is over twenty years since the last known Hydra were killed, by a band of heroes. Giant spiders: Within the forest there have been sightings of Giant spiders, but they have never ventures forth from the forests. Manticore: There are stories of Manticore sightings within the duchy, but they are unconfirmed. All indications are that they have been traveling through the duchy in search for something, rather than being a permanent feature. Lady of the forest (Skogsrå): The forests are rumoured to have a small population of Ladies if the forest. Najads: There are many stories of Najads being seen or interacted with within the many lakes and small rivers within the duchy. Oreads: There are many stories about Oread sightings within the the hard to reach valleys of the Duchy. Giants: giants are known to exist within the Aidne mountains, at it is not unknown for them to be seen within the duchy. There are no present stories of them attacking human settlements or being a threat. Trolls: Within the forest there are known groups of Forest trolls roaming. Within the Duchy the Cave trolls are a more common threat than any one wants to admit. There are no known caves where they hide as if there would be they would be hunted down. But it is well known thar band of them exists within the duchy. Locals Lord always pays bounty for proof of troll kills.


5 counties + Freetown (which formally is large enough to be a county but is under the dukes rule.)
  • Countess Venethia Labonnet
  • Count Bolounne Harriene
  • Count Bitix Clemenne
  • Count Adrian Labonnet
  • Count Geroumme Vaille


Within the more civilised areas the Legerdian culture is very profilic.  But there is a wild streak within the duchy and violence as a solution to conflict is more common.


The land areas which today are the duchy of Salamora where never colonized during the Jorpagnian empire and as such remained as wilderness inhabitated by local tribes of both humans and orcs. There never developed any strong leaders who could conquest and pacify the area.   After the conflux the area where severely depopulated and all tribes were in most sense eradicated. Left were small groups who either settled in one village or became nomadic. These groups developed into small warparties who waged war and raided their neigbhours.   100 A.O. The lords and warlords of Salamora descends into vicious infighting which spills over into the Duchy of Inbeaux. As many of the lords are of Zoraki descendancy their families move in to support them. After 10 years of fighting the land is pacified and the Zoraki king transforms Salamora into a duchy. The Luksian kingdom who have earlier expanded westwards into a more or less lawless wilderness now find one of the most powerful countries in the known world as its neigbour.

Demography and Population

The duchy is still a very depopulated area, where the inhabitants cluster into small villages all close to a water source. Between these cluster there are many dangers making traveling a dangerous occupation best done in large numbers.


In general it is a Zoraki duchy and as such knights form the core of the forces. But there is a more leniancy against light cavalry then most other duchies in the realm.

Agriculture & Industry

The duchy is fertile and the Legerians work hard, but as the duchy is poor the infrastructure makes logisitics ineffective. The focus of the agriculture is corn in different forms.

Trade & Transport

Most villages are self sustaining and as there are few industries worth mentioning trade is sparse. All trade made is low level and often done in caravans of traders following well established routes and with trustworthy guards. The noblemen import luxuries, but there is no organised export what so ever.    The duke invaded Freetown to get access to trade with the dwarves, a plan which backfired as the dwarves withdrew altogether. Trade is now vaning in Ffreetown as well as all large international trade houses withdraw. It sees as the duke where unprepared for this evetuallity and do nothing.


The ifrastructure is sparce and not well kept. Roads are not built as much as evolved, and as such ever changing. Between villages in clusters there might be better roads, but between clusters there might not be any recognised roads what so ever.

Trust your sword arm.

Founding Date
110 AO
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
Robber barons
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities