Barony Cote Sombre

The Barony Cote Sombre is located by the coast of Zorakin and surrounds the Counties capitol, Cavonne. For a long time the family DaVille have ruled both the county and the Barony Cote Sombre. The countys coast and northern part along the Kings road is where most of the people are living.   In the south of the barony there is a large swamp called the forbiden moor.   One of the barons knights is Jeromme Baugge who is brother to the count of Fort La Nord.


  • Captain of arms: Athel DeËscour (40 years) son to Lord Benji
  • Loremaster: Enina Bollouix (52 year, burgher)
  • Seneschal: Olouf De Clary (42 year)
  • Adjutant:
  • Herald:
  • Jester:
  • Bontisal:


Zoraki culture with strong conservative Raxorian influences.


Castle L'Acier: The home of the Baron and it guards the road. Close to it is the small town, large village of L'Acier. It main trade is lumber and they produce much of the baronys need of wood. The keep of the castle is made of stone, but most of the outhouses and wall is wooden constructs. The Tovoi Estate: a Large estate with many fields belonging to Lord Tovoi. It is also a large village with a small coast village and local port where the produce is loaded upon boats. There is also local fishermen. The Estate belongs to the countess but the family Tovoi are employed as caretakers and have been for a long time.

Demography and Population

The majority of the inhabitants are Zorakian humans of the Raxorian ethnicity and quite conservative as well. The Penner are mostly of noble stock but there are some burghes and peasants as well. The Legerdians who have moved there are mostly very influented by the Raxorian, and often intermarried.   Humans from other realms are mostly Kardians due to the proximity, otherwise Erebosians might sometimes land in Cavonnes harbour.   Within the Aguille forests there are a few very small bands of Blackbloods.   There are a few dwarves and halflings living amongst the humans, but no settlements of their own.


Battle Hills: A large collection of hills where many battles have been fought between the Raxorians and Penner. They are said to be haunted and the locals avoid them. But now and then a adventerous individual come back with both gold and valuables, such as magic items.   North- and south Aguille forest: The forest are acyually one forest who are divided in the barony as the road goes through it.


Apart from the Baron there are knights whom swore loyalty to the Baron. In case of war they are to join the Barons force. The baron have 20 soldiers in his retiny. Most of them are stationed in the barons castle, but some of them are constantly out patroling the fief. The Baron can mount five of them with riding horses who are not battle trained. All soldiers are equipped with a crossbow and some kind of handweapon. The most common weapon is some kind of axe. All soldiers are granted a gambesson when they enter the barons forces, but a few of the soldiers have upgraded their armour. Most peasants and burghers in the barony have at least an axe and crossbow and rudimentary skill in its usage.    Knights of the realm


Riark: Bellefonte

Agriculture & Industry

The Tavoi Estate have many fields where they grow different crops. But the main focus is acually cows, and they produce milk, cheese, leather and meat.

Trade & Transport

The main trade hub in the ragion is the Town Cavonne which is owned by the countess.  There is a road going from Cavonne and eastwards until it meets the Kings road.


The only real road in the barony is the road leading from Cavonne to the Kingsroad, and it is frequently patrolled by the barons troops.    In Cavonne there is a large and very well built harbour, which is mostly used by the local fishermen, althoug it could handle seafaring ships. Most of it lies unused and owergrown. The sewers end up here.

When the thunder comes, pray to Etin.

Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Barony Cote Sombre