Duchy Inbeaux

Duke: XXXX Bacinette - LeFleurs   Inbeaux is most known for its wool and cloth production. The duchy is also known for its many lamb meat dishes and sausages. The duchy follows the general disposition of Zorakin of being a very plain land in the south and part of the Aidne mountain in the north. Dividing the duchy from the Aidne mountains are the XXXX forest.   Lots of plains filled with sheep herds. Agriculture along rivers.   In the west the large and slow flowing river Jolran strife from the mountains in the north to the ocean in the south. The river is broad enough to have a few inhabited islands. Along the river banks the settlements are located within close proximities. It is not uncommon for it to be possible to walks between villages within ten minutes. But the most common way to travel is by the river. Most of the villages are either a fishing village or harnessing the river with a watermill. In the south several villages have started to becoming specialised in clothmaking. The cloth is traded to the duchies capital Graiv, where the merchants either export it or sell to the local tailors.


Heridatery duchy
  • 5 counties


Zoraki with strong raxorian influence.

Public Agenda

The duke are pushing his subjects to produce more wool and cloth, and less produce and vegetables.


There is a large goldmine in the duchy which is owned 10 % by the king, 60 % by the duke, 10 % by the local count and 20 % by the baron.


The land were part of the Legerdian tribes before the Lindskiarne wars. But they bore the brunt of the Lindskiarne genocidical warfare and most of the locals where killed of forced to flee. As such many penner and raxorians settled in the abandoned farms.

Agriculture & Industry

The most common form of agriculture is sheep farms as sheeps are well adapted for the plains. The textile industry is common.

Trade & Transport

The main export from Inbeaux is wool and cloth.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Imports
Grain and vegetable.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities