Duchy Litherinne

Duchess: Folmia La Bovinne   Capital is Drailange   The duchy of Litherinne is one of the oldest duchies in Zorakin as it was part of the heartland of the Penner kingdom. It is located north east of Amittefaux and Pendonne. Litherinne shares borders with the Torilforest as well as the Grimmani swamp, making the land fertile if a little water sick. This is especially true in the northern part of the duchy where the Grimmani swamp lingers. The region have always been considered a backwater place amongst its peers and as such it is not as well developed as its neighbouring duchies.   Apart from farming there is no real wealth to be found and Litherinne is considered a poor duchy where the nobles have a hard time keeping up appearences with their peers. It is also heavily populated and there is not more land to grant to the younger siblings which is turning into a problem. Another problem is the shorelines are shallow and there aren´t many reefs and as such the natural defence against pirates are weak. A problem the Khunit pirates of Morevidyn is well aware of. As such the local fear the sight of sails on the sea and have moved their villages away from the shorelines. An effect of this is the fishing industry are weaker than necessary.   Within the Torilforest there is a strong tribe of Blackbloods which regulary makes raids into Litherinne and every punitive expedition have failed.       
  • 4 counties

Public Agenda

The Duchess is trying to influence the church to create a monastery where the borders of Grimmani and the Torilforest meets. She thinks it would benefit the region finacially, culturally and create a military stronghold as well. She is also demanding that the royal navy patrol the waters more often. A demand which seems to be ignored by the admiral.


Although the land is fertile, there is a watersickness to it. There are few other natural resources within the duchy.


The Duchy of Litherinne were a part of The Penner kingdom and as such one of the first Zoraki duchy.

Demography and Population

Within Litherinne the most common inhabitant is a human from Penner ethnicity. But throughout history there are many Legerdians which have intermarried the Zorraki culture is very dominant. In a rough estimate 90 % of the inhabitants are from human stock.   The rest are diverse but within one region there are a few halfling villages making them the largest population of non humans. One of the local barons have to the dismay of the nobles and his own children chosen to marry a halfling as his second wife.


Litherinne were a part of the Penner kingdom and as such the populations is mostly made up of Penner. But there are many who have mixed up with the Legerdians making them more Zoraki.


In general the forces within Litherinne follows the traditional Zoraki dogma of heavy cavalry supported by some infantry. But there in response to the pirates attack there is a tradition of lighter and more mobile cavalry as well. Most noblemen make use of them to patrol the shore line and act as a quick response force.

Agriculture & Industry

The arable land is put to heavy use as the population is large. The land is fertile and waterfilled. There is no real specialisation of agriculture in the duchy and different kind of grains is the most common produce of the fields. The land is filled with windmills.

Trade & Transport

There is almost no organised trade taking place within Litherinne. There is local trade and a few traveling merchants of course. And within the capital and castles there are market places, but the Duchy as a whole neither import or export anything.


The kings road are well kept, but most of the other roads in the Duchy is trailmarks who are in dire need of repairs, hampering the possibility of trade. Within the inland the castles are small, more aking to fortified manor houses, but among the coast and the border of the Toril forests the castles are large and well fortified.

Etin preserve us from the Morelvidyn pirates.

Founding Date
55 A.O.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Duchy Litherinne