Khalonian History

The events which shaped Khalon.

Pre-Elven Era

... 1 PE

Before the Foundation of Morenthyr

  • 2000s
    Dracohumanic Wars
    Military: War

  • 1800s
    Human Arrival in Khalon
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humans first landed in Khalon along the northern shores near Treavley.

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  • 1256 PE
    Basalt Accords

    Dwarven settlements banded together to form the Demarchy, choosing Thegh Darom as its capital.

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  • 800s
    Elven Arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    Elves landed near Thal'Narius in the 800s PE.

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Elven Era

0 PE 1352 EE

Morenthyr was the dominant force on Khalon.

  • Pact of Unification
    Pact of Unification

    The Pact of Unification was signed by various elven settlements forming Morenthyr.

    Additional timelines
  • 422 EE

    537 EE

    Elven Conquest
    Military action

    The Elven Conquest was a series of wars leading to Thyrian control of most of Khalon.

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  • 1237 EE

    1311 EE

    Orcish Migration
    Disaster / Destruction

    Tens of thousands of orcs crossed into Morenthyr from the Perpetual Desert, precipitating a brutal war.

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    Orcish Migration
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  • 1348 EE

    1352 EE

    Great Revolt
    Military action

    Slaves across Morenthyr revolt, leading to the breakup of Morenthyr.

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    Great Revolt
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Post-Elven Era

1352 EE and beyond

Multi-polar world following the Great Revolt.

  • 1361 EE

    Davenport Charter

    The Davenport Charter united disparate leaders in central Khalon into one country. Varan I was elected to serve as Ilyria's first king.

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  • 1382 EE

    Formation of Trelios

    Faced with an increased Thyrian threat, the princes of Trelios officially band together in a defensive alliance.

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  • 1382 EE

    3 /8
    1385 EE

    7 /6

    First Hin Uprising

    A faction of halflings in the Disputed Lands launched a partially successful revolt against Morenthyr.

    Disputed Lands
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  • 1416 EE

    1422 EE

    Hadricht's Crusade
    Military action

    Hadricht's Crusade saw the Lysandrian Church attack Elterian believers in southeastern Trelios. After the Chemitz massacre, the Peace of Vettelbach was agreed to, allowing for each faith to worship freely.

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    Hadricht's Crusade
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  • 1434 EE

    Calamity of Tirish Myr
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ilyrian forces capture Tirish Myr, expelling its dwarven inhabitants.

    Tirish Myr
  • 1439 EE

    1444 EE

    Holy Orcish Invasion
    Military: War

    The Holy Orcish Horde ravaged western Morenthyr for five years before finally being defeated by a combined Khalonian coalition.

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  • 1455 EE

    Iorath's Second Death
    Life, Death

    Iorathian loyalists attempted to ressurrect Iorath. They were stopped by a combined force led by pirates. His elven loyalists became cursed as drow following his second death.

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