The Dragonblight Geographic Location in Kornax | World Anvil

The Dragonblight

Many believe the Dragonblight to be uninhabited. This is not true. There are small groups of humans, orcs, and dragonborn who still make their homes in this inhospitable badland. The reason few know about them has to do with the badland, itself. It is forbidding, dry, and filled with treacherous magical features and rocky crags. Few who are not native to it venture into it and return, for they don't know the dangers inherent there.


Due to the weather and topography of the region, the Dragonblight was already a dry badland long before the Silver Psychosis. It is a rocky plain, punctuated by areas of blasted stone spires that were presumably created by magical means.

Localized Phenomena

The latent magic in the land has created hundreds of pockets of wild magic, where unpredictable magical effects manifest and disappear like lightning in a savage storm. Some effects are benign, others are terrible and destructive.


Semi-arid. The region receives only around 15 inches of rain in an average year. The temperatures in winter are extreme, though summer temperatures are very mild.

Natural Resources



The Dragonblight came to be during the Dragonwars. Specifically, in the year 478 LE, there was a battle which, when remembered in this latter day, is called the Silver Psychosis, the Twelve Mages of the Lysælfen teamed up to fight Chooq Gleamscale, a silver Dragonlord who had gone mad. A physical and magical battle spanning thousands of miles ensued for four months before Chooq was dispatched, costing the lives of seven of the Twelve Mages. Unfortunately, the magic brought to bear against Chooq permanently seeped into the land, blasting the earth and infusing everything with wild and unpredictable magics. Most who had dwelt there fled or perished. Those who remained became strange, reclusive, and tough.

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