The Shimmering Isle Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Shimmering Isle

An isle off the north eastern coast of Meintalia, the Shimmering Isle has a strong magical presence and as such is home to The Mage's College in Radia. It’s an Isle home to mages, scholars and magical artefacts, one of the few places in Meintalia not plagued by monsters. The Isle gets it's name from the magical aura here that, from a distance, makes the isle look like it shimmers and gleams in the sunlight. As the isle is a fair distance from the mainland, it can only be seen during clear days, which coupled with the strange, shimmering effect led to the myth that the isle was in fact a mirage, until people managed to sail out and set foot there.

There are three settlements on the Shimmering Isle, Beacon Town and Brightport, the two port villages on either side of the island, and Radia, a large town in the centre of the island.


The isle is situated off the coast from Meintalia adjacent to the North Passolan Grasslands. Surrounded on all sides by water, the isle is technically not a region of Meintalia, but is a unique landmass that falls under The Empire's jurisdiction, however it is referred to as a region in Meintalia due to it's proximity to the country and the Empire's ownership.

The isle is mostly flat, with the Mirage Hills found to the north of Radia Woods. Most of the landmass is taken up by an ancient oak woodland cleaved in half by the River Radia with Lake Magus in the centre.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna here are both mundane and magical, but none of them particularly dangerous. For some reason, no monsters have ever been found here, with the exception of some sentient plants or those brought over by Mages. Many suspect the magical aura around the island to be protective of some sort, which is why monsters are not naturally found here.


  • Anicent oak trees
  • Various shrubs
  • Various wildflowers


Natural Resources

  • Oak wood
  • Heightened magical powers
Alternative Name(s)
The Magic Isle, The Mages Island, Radia
Location under
Owning Organization

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