Celestial Wall

The Celestial Wall of Raishar stands as a majestic and formidable barrier that stretches across the western reaches of the kingdom. This extraordinary structure, crafted through a fusion of magic and engineering, serves as the last line of defense against the encroaching forces of the Rim. Rising high into the skies, the Celestial Wall is comprised of towering crystalline spires imbued with protective enchantments. Its radiant glow emanates a sense of awe and instills a feeling of safety among the people of Raishar. The Celestial Wall acts as a shield, repelling the dark and malevolent entities that seek to breach the kingdom's borders. It stands as a testament to the unwavering resolve and dedication of the Dragon Emperor and the people of Raishar in safeguarding their homeland from the horrors beyond, embodying their eternal vigilance and determination to protect the realm of Rheiknor from the ever-present threat of the Abyssal Plains.
Wall section


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