
Dragon Emperor

The Dragon Emperor of Raishar. As the ruler of Raishar, the Dragon Emperor holds immense power and responsibility. He is seen as a divine figure, chosen by the gods to lead the kingdom through the Mandate of Heaven. The Dragon Emperor is a wise and just ruler who commands respect and loyalty from his subjects. He is a master of diplomacy and is known for his ability to maintain peace and stability within the kingdom. His word is law, and he is not afraid to use force to protect his people and maintain order.   The Dragon Emperor is also a skilled warrior and leads his armies into battle when necessary. He is fearless in battle and inspires his troops with his bravery and determination. Despite his martial prowess, the Dragon Emperor values intellect and wisdom above all else, and he surrounds himself with scholars, advisors, and strategists who help him govern the kingdom.   The people of Raishar hold the Dragon Emperor in high esteem, and many believe that he has a direct connection to the divine. He is seen as a symbol of hope and strength in the face of adversity, and his reign is marked by prosperity and relative peace. However, the Dragon Emperor is also aware of the dangers that threaten his kingdom, and he is constantly vigilant against the demons of The Abyssal Plains and other potential enemies. He works tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of his people, and he is willing to make difficult decisions when necessary to achieve these goals.   The Dragon Emperor is the founder of the Dragonriders of Raishar and the head of all of the orders. He is considered the father of the dragons of Raishar, being a dragon himself. The Dragon Emperor has ruled and guided the people of Raishar since its founding. He was the guardian of the Jade Isles and struggled to stem the tide of demons from the Abyssal Plains with his dragons and Dragonborn alone. It wasn't until the arrival of the Raishen and their newfound allies the Leonin that pushed back the demons into the Crimson Sea. The Dragon Emperor deeply revered the Raishen and Leonin for their noble efforts to battle their common enemy. Because of their actions, the Dragon Emperor granted each of them a wish. The Raishen wished to be given the Jade Isles as their home that they may hold and defend but in service to the Dragon Emperor as their leader. The Leonin wished to be nomads no more and be seen as equals in a home of their own. The Dragon Emperor granted these wishes to his newly adopted people and united the Leonin, Raishen, and Dragonborn under one banner.   
The Dragon Emperor in his true form.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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