Chodrak Pol


Chodrak Pol stands as the enigmatic and revered leader and Verdant of the Emerald Dragon Order. Despite his youth, his wisdom surpasses his years, leaving others in awe of his profound insight and strategic acumen. Often likened to a mighty tide, Chodrak embodies patience and a deep understanding of the ebb and flow of time and events. While some mistake his measured approach for passivity, his calm demeanor conceals a fierce determination, awaiting the perfect moment to unleash his true power.   Regarded as a silent hunter, Chodrak moves with remarkable grace and stealth, as if part of the very forest itself. His mastery of the environment allows him to navigate even the densest thickets without disturbing a single leaf, a skill that has earned him a reputation as an elusive force. Dragonriders under his guidance revere him as a living embodiment of the Emerald Dragon Order's teachings, drawing inspiration from his unwavering patience and the profound respect he holds for the natural world.   Chodrak's timely presence in critical moments has solidified his status as a dependable ally and leader. He possesses an innate ability to discern the most opportune junctures for action, ensuring that his forces strike with unparalleled precision. While some may question his reserved nature, none can deny the profound impact he has had on the Emerald Dragon Order. Under Chodrak's guidance, the order has honed their wisdom and cunning, becoming a formidable force that patiently awaits the right time to unleash their carefully crafted strategies.   Smaragdus, Chodrak's dragon, emanates wisdom and lethal grace. With scales akin to shimmering emeralds, he effortlessly blends into the forest, moving silently and concealed from prying eyes. Smaragdus chose Chodrak Pol as his rider, recognizing the innate wisdom within the young boy. Their bond is a deep connection, with Smaragdus serving as Chodrak's wise counselor and guiding him through the intricate balance of nature. Together, they embody the harmonious union of wisdom and deadly prowess, a force revered within the Emerald Dragon Order.  
Year of Birth
1151 PC 32 Years old


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