Emerald Dragon Order

The Emerald Dragon Order, comprised of majestic green dragons, stands as a testament to wisdom and cunning in the realm of Dragonriders. With a primary focus on strategic prowess, these dragons excel in utilizing their natural environment to their advantage, particularly in forested and dense terrains. The members of the Emerald Dragon Order embody patience and a keen awareness of their surroundings, honing their skills to discern the opportune moment to strike with precise and devastating force.   Within the order, the pursuit of knowledge and the mastery of intricate tactics are highly valued. Emerald Dragon riders are trained to analyze their surroundings, adapting their strategies to exploit the natural features of the landscape. Their deep connection to the earth and their affinity for the flora and fauna that thrive within it empower them to seamlessly blend into their surroundings, becoming one with nature itself.   The Emerald Dragon Order fosters a culture of patience and calculated action, teaching its members to observe, analyze, and strike with measured precision. They understand the ebb and flow of battle, patiently awaiting the perfect moment to unleash their might. Their bond with their green dragons is characterized by a harmonious synchronization, as they communicate and work in tandem to overcome obstacles and outwit their adversaries.   In addition to their mastery of the battlefield, the Emerald Dragon Order also places great importance on the preservation and protection of the natural world. They are fierce guardians of the forests and guardians of the delicate balance between civilization and nature. The order's riders are taught to be stewards of the environment, using their wisdom and knowledge to ensure that the lands they traverse remain thriving and untouched by chaos.   As guardians of wisdom and masters of strategic finesse, the Emerald Dragon Order leaves an indelible mark on the annals of dragon riders. Their unique blend of patience, cunning, and environmental expertise sets them apart, making them an unparalleled force to be reckoned with on the battlefield and in the heart of nature itself.


Within the esteemed Emerald Dragon Order, a five-rank structure defines the hierarchy and responsibilities of its members. Listed below are the ranks in descending order, along with descriptions of their roles and positions within the order:   Verdant: At the pinnacle of the Emerald Dragon Order hierarchy is the rank of Verdant. These dragon riders embody wisdom and cunning, holding ultimate authority and responsibility. They oversee the order's strategic planning, mentor the lower-ranked members, and ensure the preservation of the order's principles.    Sylvan: Sylvans are esteemed members of the Emerald Dragon Order, known for their exceptional skills in forested environments. They are experts at navigating dense terrain and utilizing the environment to their advantage in battle. Sylvans act as leaders in skirmishes, coordinating their fellow dragon riders and employing their cunning tactics to secure victories.   Canopy: Canopies are the guardians of the Emerald Dragon Order, entrusted with the safety and protection of their dragon companions. They possess a deep bond with nature and excel in defensive strategies, shielding their allies from harm. Canopies often serve as scouts, utilizing their heightened senses to gather intelligence and maintain a vigilant watch over the order's territories.   Mossblade: Mossblades are skilled warriors within the Emerald Dragon Order, trained in the art of dual combat. They possess exceptional agility and proficiency with their weapons, allowing them to strike swiftly and decisively. Mossblades excel in hit-and-run tactics and are often deployed on reconnaissance missions or as elite shock troops.   Verdigris: Verdigris represents the entry-level rank within the Emerald Dragon Order. These dragon riders are initiates who are still honing their skills and knowledge. Under the guidance of higher-ranked members, Verdigris learn the ways of the order, develop their combat abilities, and contribute to the overall operations of the Emerald Dragon Order.

Tenets of Faith

Serpent's Wisdom: The Emerald Dragon Order upholds the tenet of Serpent's Wisdom, recognizing the power of patience, observation, and strategic thinking. Dragon riders are encouraged to exercise keen perception, carefully studying their surroundings and opponents to identify vulnerabilities and seize advantageous moments. They understand that true wisdom lies not only in action but also in knowing when to withhold it, biding their time until the perfect opportunity arises.   Nature's Harmony: Nature's Harmony is a fundamental tenet of the Emerald Dragon Order, emphasizing the interconnectedness between dragon riders and the natural world. Members are taught to respect and appreciate the environment, recognizing it as a valuable ally. They strive to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the land, using their knowledge of flora and fauna to blend seamlessly into their surroundings and gain a tactical edge in battles. Through harmony with nature, they find strength.   Veiled Strike: The tenet of Veiled Strike embodies the art of deception and surprise. Dragon riders of the Emerald Dragon Order are trained to strike swiftly and silently, catching their enemies off guard. They understand that victory often lies in exploiting the element of surprise and overwhelming foes before they can mount a proper defense. Veiled Strike teaches dragon riders to utilize stealth, camouflage, and misdirection to sow confusion and gain the upper hand in battle.
Military, Knightly Order
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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