
The Dragonborn, known as the "first children of the Dragon Emperor," hold a significant and complex position within Raishar society. They have inhabited the Jade Isles for the longest period, serving as the sole defenders against the encroaching forces of demons before the arrival of the Raishen and Leonin.   Over the years, the Dragonborn and their dragon allies fought valiantly but were gradually losing ground against the relentless demon onslaught. The Dragon Emperor, their progenitor, led his forces into increasingly desperate battles and held his children responsible for their failure to secure victory against overwhelming odds. This growing disappointment in his firstborns was amplified when the Raishen and Leonin joined the fight and turned the tide in favor of the defenders, earning the Emperor's admiration.   Though the Dragon Emperor does not despise the Dragonborn, a sense of disappointment lingers within him, and this emotional wound has deeply affected the Dragonborn themselves. They yearn to regain their progenitor's favor and honor, driving them to become some of the fiercest fighters in Raishar. However, this fierce determination often leads them to make rash decisions and suffer unnecessary losses on the battlefield, as they strive to prove their worth.   The Dragonborn predominantly make up the dragonriders of the Obsidian Dragon Order, further reinforcing their lack of greater favor with the Emperor. They exhibit a diverse and complex nature, with more subgroups than all other races combined. This diversity extends beyond their physical colors to encompass different ideologies and factions that seek to restore their honor and favor with the Emperor.   Comprising just over a third of Raishar's population, the Dragonborn are most commonly found within the Jade Isles, their ancestral home. Their presence and unique heritage add richness and depth to the cultural tapestry of Raishar, but they continue to navigate the challenging path of regaining their lost honor and securing their place in the Dragon Emperor's affections.
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