Encen Stedarc

The Lieutenant Marshal of Forstford. Encen Stedarc is a young and ambitious leader who is seen as a rising star in the military ranks. While he may be viewed as brash at times, his ability to quickly analyze situations and relay information to his superiors is seen as an essential asset to the colony's defense. Despite his relative youth, he has earned the trust and respect of Lord Malyn, who seeks to groom him for higher command. Many see him as a symbol of hope for the future of the colony, and his passion and drive are infectious to those around him. While some may question his tactics or approach, there is no denying that he is effective in his role as Lieutenant Marshal, and his dedication to Forstford is unwavering. Overall, Encen is viewed as a capable and promising leader who is poised to make a significant impact on the colony's future.
Year of Birth
1149 PC 34 Years old


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