Faelon Amalheim

The ruler of the Kingdom of Osland. Faelon is an ambitious king but looks upon his people with reverence. He believes there is more to Osland than gold. All of the kings before him sought only to grow their coffers and expand trade further than before. All but Faelon's great grandfather Bruelis Amalheim. Faelon desires to restore the ways of his ancestor which was one of exploration and conquest. King Bruelis did not fear The Rim, he sought to take the fight to it. King Faelon seeks this mindset once again for his people. He no longer wishes his people to live in fear of what lies beyond their borders. He seeks to grow the kingdom further than just the borders of Osland. He has begun to restore the old colonies and aggresively expand their borders. The garrison of Hellfort has been increased substantially and more and more ships arrive day by day bringing new supplies and soldiers. Forstford has also seen an uptick in military traffic and supplies. King Faelon sees the Zlaatan Jungles as the new world to conquer and the key to the ultimate defense of Osland.   King Faelon is stern but quiet. He speaks little unless neccessary. Known to be few in words, but loud in action. He is always on the move and constantly shifting from matter to matter.   King Faelon had grown beneath the shadow of Bruelis' direct descendants. They feared the doom of their father/grandfather would come upon them too. They did not wish to be mighty like he, for being mighty gets you killed. Faelon always remembered his father and especially his grandfather always hiding away in the capital, never daring to set foot on any ship. It was not uncommon for Faelon to hear his grandfather screaming the name "Zarughal" in the dead of night, as if he were coming for him. Faelon always feared that the devil would come for him and finish the line of Amalheim for good. But Faelon vowed that he'd be ready.  


Faelon Amalheim


Towards Aritha Amalheim


Aritha Amalheim


Towards Faelon Amalheim


Year of Birth
1149 PC 34 Years old
Ruled Locations


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