Marilla Pravost

Lady Marilla Pravost, the eldest child of Lord Dayron Pravost and Lady Reyanna Pravost, is a young woman of immense grace and compassion. With her striking hazel eyes that reflect wisdom beyond her years, she carries herself with a regal poise that befits her noble lineage. Despite her privileged status, Lady Marilla is down-to-earth and approachable, always putting the needs of the people of Miscrea above her own.   Lady Marilla has a natural talent for diplomacy and leadership, a skill she inherited from her mother. She actively involves herself in the governance of Westhall, working closely with her father to manage the affairs of the domain. Her genuine interest in the well-being of their subjects has earned her the respect and admiration of both nobility and commoners alike. Lady Marilla listens attentively to the concerns of the people, always seeking ways to alleviate their hardships and improve their lives.   Blessed with a compassionate heart, Lady Marilla often involves herself in charitable activities to support the less fortunate in their realm. She spends time at orphanages, schools, and hospitals, offering comfort and aid to those in need. Her efforts to bridge the gap between the ruling class and the common folk have made her a beloved figure among the people of Westhall.   Beyond her political endeavors, Lady Marilla is also skilled in the arts of healing and herbalism. She has a deep understanding of the medicinal properties of herbs and often tends to the sick and injured within their domain. Her dedication to the well-being of her people goes beyond the battlefield, earning her the nickname "the Healing Heart of Westhall."  
Year of Birth
1164 PC 19 Years old


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