Dayron Pravost

Lord Dayron Pravost, ruler of Westhall, is a formidable and battle-hardened leader, shaped by the harsh realities of defending his realm against the relentless threats of the Rim. His unwavering dedication to protecting his people has earned him both admiration and fear among his subjects. Lord Dayron's resolute commitment to the safety of Westhall has seen him charge into battle on numerous occasions, personally leading his guard to crush attackers and defend his villages. His actions inspire loyalty and devotion among his troops, who view him as a symbol of strength and bravery in the face of danger.   However, beneath his tough exterior lies a man with a quick temper and a propensity for impulsive actions. The weight of his responsibilities, coupled with the constant danger posed by the Mist Storms, has left him with little patience for bureaucracy or diplomacy. This short temper has been known to lead him to take out his frustrations on wooden furniture, providing an outlet for his pent-up emotions.   Lord Dayron's views on King Aleron Krelden and the central authority of Miscrea are complex. While he recognizes the king's authority and desires the best for Miscrea, he believes that Aleron is too distant from the daily struggles faced by the border settlements like Westhall. He perceives the king as safe in his High Keep, seemingly removed from the constant battle against the Rim. This has fostered a desire for more independence for Westhall, as Lord Dayron believes that a stronger focus on local defense and decision-making will better safeguard the town and its people.   In pursuit of this independence, Lord Dayron has taken matters into his own hands, building up his personal military strength. He is determined to maintain control over his troops and resources, even if it means defying the orders of his liege. This defiance, however, has created tension and strained relations between Westhall and the central authority in Miscrea.   Despite his flaws, Lord Dayron Pravost remains a respected figure in Westhall, admired for his courage, dedication, and willingness to fight for the safety of his realm. His strong leadership and fierce determination make him a force to be reckoned with in the ever-present battle against the malevolent forces of the Rim.  


Reyanna Pravost


Towards Dayron Pravost


Dayron Pravost


Towards Reyanna Pravost


Year of Birth
1126 PC 57 Years old
Ruled Locations


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