Sylbit Frelaude

Sylbit Frelaude, the Royal Inquisitor of the Royal Inquisition Bureau and the Master of Intelligence on the Caeruleum Council, is a formidable and enigmatic figure in the kingdom. His cold and calculating demeanor is matched only by his unwavering dedication to his role and the crown.   Sylbit is known for his piercing gaze, a quality that has led to rumors that he possesses an uncanny ability to discern people's deepest secrets and intentions merely by looking into their eyes. This reputation makes him an intimidating presence, as individuals who have business with him often find themselves unnerved in his presence.   His leadership within the Royal Inquisition Bureau is marked by a relentless pursuit of justice and security. He runs the bureau with a precision that rivals a well-oiled machine. Every aspect of the bureau's operations, from criminal investigations to intelligence gathering, is meticulously planned and executed under his guidance. Sylbit's dedication to rooting out crime and protecting the kingdom has earned him the trust and reliance of the king himself.   Sylbit's personal life is a mystery to most. He is known to have no family, no children, and no apparent personal attachments. He lacks any visible vices, from the pleasures of socializing in a favorite bar to indulging in desserts. It is said that he has intentionally distanced himself from any potential vulnerabilities, understanding that any weakness in his character could be exploited to the detriment of the kingdom.   In many ways, Sylbit Frelaude embodies the ideal of an unyielding and incorruptible public servant. His unwavering commitment to his role as the Royal Inquisitor has made him an indispensable asset to the kingdom, and his mysterious and unassailable persona continues to command both respect and fear among those who cross his path.
Year of Birth
1126 PC 57 Years old


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