Caeruleum Council

The Caeruleum Council was created by King Faelon Amelheim to manage the realm on his behalf. Previous Oslan kings would normally delegate the matters to a plethora of individuals and micromanage these people. Issues arose however with the king not being able to keep up with every person they had given a sphere of his kingdom to oversee. So King Faelon designated 5 individuals who held specific titles that handled 4 specific spheres and one who held all others and ran the council. King Faelon also gave them the power to delegate further under their own purview without his immediate oversight. This gave the council a tremendous amount of power, one which they work tirelessly to use to their advantage to carry out the king's wishes.


The council is made up of five members all of which carry a specific title.     The Royal Magistrate leads the council and acts as its face. He delivers decisions to the king for him to execute or deny. The Royal Magistrate is seen as the 2nd in power in the realm. He also deals in all matters that are not within the other 4 members sphere.   The Royal Justice oversees all of the courts of Osland and adjudicates cases on behalf of the king. He is also responsible for implementing new and current laws.   The Royal Minister of Commerce is responsible for managing the flow of trade and commerce within Osland. He is also an honorary admiral of the Oslan Royal Navy.   The King's Marshal is responsible for all military matters within Osland and is the supreme commander of the Oslan Army second only to the king himself.   The Royal Inquisitor is responsible for all matters pertaining to intelligence and the underworking's of information within Osland and even beyond. There is no secret the Inquisitor cannot unveil.
Founding Date
Court, Royal
Parent Organization


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