Varthrad Tazlan


Varthrad Tazlan, known as Ol' Blue Eyes, stands as the revered leader and Luminary of the Opal Dragon Order. With a countenance as weathered as time itself, his piercing cold blue eyes reflect the indomitable spirit that has guided him through countless battles. Among the oldest of Dragonriders, Varthrad has become a living legend, revered for his wisdom, experience, and unyielding resolve.   Having fought alongside Kaldred Ghelkul in the crucible of the War of the Rim, Varthrad has witnessed the horrors of conflict firsthand. The harrowing losses endured and the unimaginable atrocities witnessed have left an indelible mark on his soul, shaping his perspective on the world in profound ways. While the war altered their relationship, their divergent reactions to the events served as a testament to the complexity of the human spirit.   Varthrad remains unwavering in his commitment to the defense of Raishar. He is the living embodiment of resilience, embodying the very essence of the Opal Dragon Order. With unshakable determination, he has stood as the stalwart bulwark against the forces that threaten to engulf their lands. Whether facing hordes of invaders or weathering the storms of uncertainty, Varthrad is the unwavering protector, standing as the final bastion between annihilation and triumph.   His leadership inspires unwavering loyalty among the Dragonriders of the Opal Dragon Order. Guided by his wisdom, they forge unbreakable bonds, driven by a shared sense of purpose and duty. Varthrad's presence on the battlefield instills a sense of hope and courage, rallying his comrades to push beyond their limits in the pursuit of victory.   Yet, Varthrad's resilience and steely determination do not come without their toll. The weight of countless battles and the burden of command have etched lines upon his face and wearied his body. But his spirit remains unbroken, his resolve unyielding. He will continue to stand as the vanguard of the Opal Dragon Order, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times, until his final breath is drawn.   Glathrys, Varthrad's dragon, possesses ageless strength and resilience. With scales as pristine as freshly fallen snow and a breath that can freeze even the hottest flame, Glathrys commands both awe and respect. As one of the oldest dragons in Raishar, he has weathered countless battles, emerging victorious from each encounter. Glathrys chose Varthrad Tazlan as his rider, sensing the indomitable spirit and unwavering determination that resonated within him. Their bond is forged through shared trials and tribulations, as they fought side by side during the grueling War of the Rim. Varthrad, with his steely resolve, guided Glathrys through the chaos of the battlefield, their synergy unparalleled. In turn, Glathrys offered his wisdom and immense power, soaring through the skies with Varthrad upon his back, a symbol of unity and unwavering resilience. Their unbreakable bond is a testament to the unwavering trust and deep connection between dragon and rider, a force to be reckoned with on both the battlefield and in the annals of Raishar's history.  
Year of Birth
934 PC 249 Years old


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