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Marithal Basin

The Marithal Basin is a tropical marshland situated in the southern part of the continent of Orynthia, nestled within the Thrymbarth mountains. Known for its rich biodiversity, sprawling river deltas, and ancient ruins, Marithal Basin is steeped in history and natural beauty.   The basin was home to the long destroyed Marithal Empire, and today is now mostly depopuluted. However, three ethnic groups are believe to hang onto a tentative existence: the Senji, the Mallith, and the Watari. In addition, there are smaller numbers of hybrid populations resulting from the mixing of these ethnic groups or occasional intermarriages with visiting seafarers.


Marithal Basin is bordered by the Thrymbarth Mountains to the north, east, and west, and the sea to the south. The mountains form a natural barrier, separating the basin from the Zafarid Sands to the west and the rest of Orynthia to the north and east. The region is primarily composed of wetlands, swamps, and marshes with patches of dense tropical forest. Towards the southern coast, the landscape transitions into sprawling river deltas where numerous rivers meet the sea.


The Marithal Basin's water system is comprised of a network of rivers and streams that originate in the Thrymbarth Mountains. These rivers carry fresh mountain water into the basin, nourishing the wetlands and marshes before emptying into the sea through the deltas. The largest river, the Senthis, is central to the region's history and culture.


The climate in Marithal Basin is tropical with high humidity and frequent rainfall. There are two main seasons: the wet season, which lasts from late spring to early autumn, and the dry season for the rest of the year. The wet season is characterized by heavy monsoon rains, while the dry season has relatively lesser rainfall. The area is prone to flooding during the wet season due to the low-lying terrain and the extensive river systems.

Fauna & Flora

Marithal Basin is home to an abundant variety of plant and animal species. The marshlands are teeming with mangrove trees, reeds, and water lilies. The tropical forests feature hardwood trees, such Talis, and various fruit-bearing trees. The region is also known for its medicinal herbs.   Fauna is diverse and includes species like the Marithal Marsh Crocodile, Basin Monitor Lizards, and a plethora of bird species including the vibrant Scarlet Crested Heron. The rivers and coastal waters are rich in fish, including the prized Marithal Golden Carp.


Historically, Marithal Basin was the seat of the ancient Marithal Empire, which flourished centuries ago. The Empire was known for its formidable navy, agriculture, and cultural advancements. It threatened the nearby Ardetian Islands, leading to the formation of the Ardetian League for mutual defence and cooperation. After several wars, the Marithal Empire met its downfall due to internal strife and a series of devastating plagues that severely weakened its population and structures. The empire fractured into smaller city-states and was eventually abandoned.   Today, the Marithal Basin is a land of ruins and natural beauty. While some local populations still inhabit the region, much of it is overgrown and reclaimed by nature. The ancient ruins are often explored by historians and adventurers. The Senthis River and the marshlands continue to be vital for the local populace, who mostly engage in fishing, small-scale farming, and herbal medicine gathering.
River Basin
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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