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5. Yakub's Pipeweed Farm

Yakub's Pipeweed Farm, located in the center of Hommlet next to the Inn of the Welcome Wench, is a struggling agricultural venture managed by a widower and his children. Despite his best efforts, Yakub faces numerous challenges, including crop failures, financial debts, and the threat of violence from unpaid laborers. The farm is in a state of disrepair, and Yakub's pride prevents him from seeking help from his successful brother, Alber Greenway.

Description of the Location

Yakub's Pipeweed Farm is a modest piece of land with run-down buildings indicating its lack of prosperity. The farmhouse and barn are both in need of repair, with visible signs of decay. The fields, once lush with gray smokeweed, now lie rotting, a testament to the farmer's recent misfortunes. Despite the dilapidated state of the farm, the livestock appear healthy and well-fed.
  • Exterior: The farmhouse is constructed from wood and plaster, showing signs of age and neglect. The roof is patchy in places, and the walls are weathered and cracked.
  • Interior: The inside of the farmhouse is sparsely furnished, with the necessities for living but little in the way of comfort or luxury. Yakub’s pride and determination are evident in the tidy but worn appearance of the home.
Fields and Barn
  • Fields: The pipeweed fields are overgrown and poorly maintained, with much of the crop lying ruined and unused.
  • Barn: The barn is large but similarly run-down, filled with old farming equipment and some healthy livestock. It serves as a reminder of better days and a potential for renewal if properly managed.

Lore and History

Yakub Greenway's life took a drastic turn four years ago when a trunkt attack resulted in the loss of his leg and his wife. Since then, his fortunes have declined. Persuaded by a traveling merchant, Yakub switched his crops to gray smokeweed, hoping for greater profits. However, a series of unfortunate events, including poor harvests and a plague of weed weevils, left him heavily in debt and struggling to keep his farm operational.
Motivation and Relationships
Yakub is motivated by a fierce determination to provide for his children and prove his worth. His relationship with his brother Alber is strained due to jealousy and pride. While he refuses charity from Alber, he accepts occasional help from the Church of St Cuthbert. Rumors circulate about Yakub’s financial troubles and possible connections to unsavory characters, adding to his woes.

Current Events

Farm for Sale
Yakub might consider selling his farm to cover his debts and provide for his family. The asking price would need to be between 800gp to 1500gp, depending on negotiations. Alternatively, Yakub is open to business partnerships, particularly with adventurers who might invest in his pipeweed crop.

Family Secrets

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Local Threats
Unpaid field hands, angry about not receiving their wages, have threatened to burn the farm. Yakub is constantly on edge, fearing that his farm could be targeted by these disgruntled workers.
Connection to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Persistent rumors suggest that Yakub might owe money to various shadowy figures, including the Greyhawk Thieves Guild, slavers from the Pomarj, or even agents of the Temple of Elemental Evil. This speculation fuels the village’s paranoia and distrust towards him.
Family Treasure
Hidden Wealth: Inside a crock in the manure pile are hidden a cut blue quartz worth 5 gp and 15 sp in coin. Yakub carries 2 sp and 22 cp in his purse.
Yakub the pipeweed farmer by 3orcs
"Adventuring is just another word for surviving in this harsh world."
Yakub Greenway
A middle-aged widower with a rugged, weather-beaten appearance. Yakub has a prosthetic leg due to an injury from a trunkt attack four years ago. His eyes carry the weight of his struggles, and his demeanor is often distant and taciturn.
  • Role: Farmer, guardian of his children, and a member of the village militia.
  • Motivations: Yakub is driven by a desire to provide for his children and regain his dignity after a series of devastating failures.
  • Relationships: He has a complicated relationship with his brother, Alber, due to pride and envy. Yakub is grateful yet resentful towards the Church of Saint Cuthbert for their charity.
Family Members
  • Jira and Ave (Daughters): Both commoners, young and full of life, they help with household chores and look after their younger siblings.
  • Chet and Ander (Twin Sons): Non-combatants, energetic and curious, they often find themselves exploring the fields and getting into mischief.
  • Ekul Greenway (Eldest Son): A 14-year-old commoner who shoulders much of the farm work alongside Yakub. Ekul is mature for his age, driven by the need to support his struggling family.
  • Beikor (Manservant): A loyal commoner who assists Yakub with the heavier tasks around the farm. Despite the farm’s financial difficulties, Beikor remains steadfast in his duties.
Worshipers of The Old Faith    Farmer: AC 7 (if prepared Level 0; hp 3; #AT 1; D 1-8 (sword XP 13   Manservant: AC 10; Level 0; hp 6; #AT 1; D 2-8 (voulge XP 16
Parent Location

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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