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18: Tamen Brewery

Here is a modest cottage, with what looked to be a kiln in the back of the property. Up a hill is a modest cottage and an imposing stone building with a barrel hanging from chains.   The sounds of activity could be heard from the stone building, with the pair of large, double doors along the front wall, wide open. You could see a young man carrying, what you gathered, were ingredients into the building from a small shed just outside. Through the double doors you could see several large vats against the far wall, and several people busily working.   Hovering over one of the vats was an older, burly looking man, wearing dark brown overalls and a white shirt. He had thick blonde hair, a full beard and a youthful appearance, which made it difficult to discern his true age. He was dipping a long handled ladle into the vat, sipping from its contents and barking orders to the younger men working around the vats.   The burly blonde man looked over at the group as they entered the brewery, a big smile on his face. "Why I’m Virgil, Virgil Tamen," he said in a booming voice, "Owner and braumeister of Tamen Brewery."
Perched atop one of Hommlet's few hills at the end of Brewer's Road, Tamen Brewery stands as a beacon of traditional brewing excellence. Run by the skilled braumeister Virgil Tamen and his family, this establishment is renowned for its quality ales, beers, and meads, supplying both locals and travelers with delightful brews crafted with passion and skill.

Location and Description

Tamen Brewery is situated at the end of Brewer's Road, next to the charming Maizy's Pots. Its hilltop position provides a scenic view of the village and easy access for both villagers and passing merchants seeking high-quality brews.
  • Structure: The brewery comprises a modest cottage attached to an imposing stone building where the brewing takes place. The structure exudes rustic charm, with its thick stone walls and wooden features.
  • Kiln and Sheds: A kiln is located at the back of the property for specialized brewing processes, alongside sheds for ingredient storage.
  • Signage: A barrel hanging from chains serves as the brewery's sign, indicating the establishment's purpose and inviting patrons.
  • Main Brewing Area: Inside the stone building, large vats line the walls, and the air is filled with the rich aroma of brewing. The bustling activity reflects the dedication of the team.
  • Cellar and Attic: The brewhouse includes a cellar for aging brews and an attic where the apprentices reside, maintaining a constant hum of industry.

Lore and History

Virgil Tamen founded the brewery with the dream of crafting exceptional brews that would bring joy to the village. Over the years, the brewery has become a cornerstone of Hommlet's culture, renowned for its quality and community spirit.
"In the heart of Hommlet, we brew more than just ale; we brew community."
Historical Significance
  • Community Contribution: Tamen Brewery is celebrated for its contribution to the village's social life, providing a gathering place for residents and travelers alike.
  • Cultural Influence: The brewery's brews often feature ingredients and recipes inspired by the Old Faith, reflecting the family’s traditions and beliefs.

Motivation and Relationships

  • Craftsmanship: Virgil is driven by a passion for brewing, striving to create unique and memorable brews that reflect his skill and creativity.
  • Community Support: He is dedicated to supporting the village, fostering a sense of community through his craft and hospitality.
  • Community Ties: The brewery maintains strong ties with fellow artisans and villagers, contributing to the village’s economy and culture.
  • Family Legacy: Virgil is committed to passing down his knowledge and craft to his family and apprentices, ensuring the continuation of the Tamen legacy.

Current Events

Business Operations
Tamen Brewery continues to thrive, with a steady demand for its brews from both locals and travelers. The brewery’s reputation for quality and creativity ensures a loyal customer base.
Bandit Concerns
The growing bandit threat has prompted Virgil to enhance security at the brewery, with apprentices and family members serving as guards to protect their livelihood.
Opinions on Bandit Problems
"The bandit menace threatens not just our goods but the community spirit we’ve built through our brews."
"Every stolen barrel is a blow to our craft; we must stand united against these threats."
"Gundigoot’s network at the Inn is a treasure trove of information, but it needs to be channeled into actionable strategies by those in charge."
"Burne and Rufus bring much-needed security with their magical prowess, but we also need a tangible increase in patrols to protect our roads."
"Elder Kenter Sr.’s wisdom is invaluable, yet we need more decisive actions and innovative approaches to outmaneuver the bandits."
"Captain Fletcher has organized the militia well, but forging alliances with nearby villages could bolster our defenses and improve our response."
Family and treasure
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The family owns a dinner service of sterling silver (worth 6,000 gp) and a gold decanter (worth 1,250 gp). A small iron coffer hidden in an upper closet contains 73 pp, three huge white pearls (500 gp each), and three pieces of jewelry (500, 1000, and 1800 gp). The apprentices own only a few coppers among them.


Tamen Brewery stands as a testament to the art of brewing in Hommlet, offering finely crafted ales, beers, and meads that bring joy and community spirit to the village. Virgil Tamen’s dedication to his craft and community, along with his commitment to family and tradition, makes his brewery a cherished part of Hommlet’s cultural and economic landscape. As bandit threats loom, Virgil and his family continue to support their community through their craft and vigilance, contributing to Hommlet’s strength and prosperity.
Virgil Tamen rumors
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The burly blonde man looked over at the group as they entered the brewery, a big smile on his face. Then said he said in a booming voice, "Why I’m Virgil, Virgil Tamen, owner and braumeister of Tamen Brewery."   Quest: 3. Tamen’s Hijacked Ale - Hommlet 
If PC's ask about his brewery and ale:
His smile grew even more as a **PC**spoke, "Yes, the fermentation of fruit can produce some tasty beverages, but nothing with stoutness or heartiness of a fine barley malt." Virgil gestured to the left side of the large building where several wire racks of grain stood by a large oven. Next to the racks were several large, oaken casks and barrels along with some interesting looking copper pots and tubes. "I try and keep all the stages going, malt drying that we use in our ales and whiskey. We have the wort and wash resting and fermenting in oak and then, just as important, the distillation."   **PC** moved over to the oak casks near the distillation copper pots, looking over the markings. He grabbed a couple of pewter cups that were hanging on the wall, poured some of the amber liquid into them and held them out,
  "Please, have some, aged about eight years, nice and smooth." Virgil took a long swig from one of the cups and then waved as the brewery apprentices began moving in his direction, "Not you all, get back to work. Now, what can I do for you?"
PC"s mention bandit problems or missing ale barrels:
  Virgil chuckled, then looked carefully at each member of the group, nodding his head "Ya, I thought you didn’t look like just some merchants, though with these bandit problems, it won’t be long before the merchants will have to arm themselves. I thank you all for the complements; I take pride in the quality of what we produce, whether it be beer, ale or whisky. You know what; maybe you can be of service to me. I’m guessing, since you are here, you have already heard about my troubles. Not long ago, one of my shipments was hijacked by a group of bandits. They attacked on the road, out in the open, with little regard for the law. They managed to get eight barrels, mostly ale but a couple were aged whiskey, ten years. Fortunately, my driver was able to get away, they probably didn’t want to stop trade altogether, just get what they could. But they are getting more and more brazen." He set his cup down and then wagged his finger at the group, "I tell you what, if you can find the lost shipment I’ll give you 5 gold for each barrel you bring back."
  Virgil gestured in the direction of the door, "If you do decide to go look’n for the bandits, you should talk to Terjon up at the church. I know he’s been talk’n about the rallying the militia to go after the bandits but Rufus and Burne have both cautioned against it. The bandits have stayed away from the village and they are concerned with sending out a force and leaving Hommlet vulnerable. Terjon might have more information about the bandits; I know he’s been trying to find out what is going on."
PC"s agree to find the missing barrels:
  "Well I do thank you for keeping your eyes out for my supplies, we put a lot of work into those barrels, hate to see it go to some piss-poor bandits." Virgil spit on the floor in disgust, "I hope you do pay back their kindness. As for Rufus and Burne, they came to the area some three years ago. Were adventurers of some repute, defeated a large bandit force near Verbobonc and gained the favor of the Viscount. It’s rumored they killed a green dragon over in the Kron Hills. They have been here in Hommlet overseeing the construction of a small castle on the east side of the village, right near their tower. Rufus leads a squad of man-at-arms and is the overall commander of troops here in Hommlet and Burne is a mage. Both are good men, from what I can tell, just very cautious. Maybe that’s why they had such success, or maybe their success has changed them, not sure."
Virgil shrugged his shoulders at the question from **PC**, "I guess the Viscount wants more of a presence here in the area. Who knows why the lords do what they do, it’s a sign of success and power. If it helps keep the village safe, then I’m all for it., You’re right, a castle is easier to defend."   Virgil held his hand up, "Yes, markings." He turned to a barrel close by and pointed out the writing on the side. There was, branded in black letters, the words Tamen Brewery along with a four digit number. Virgil walked over to his desk and ruffled through some papers, Virgil tore off a piece of paper, scribbled the numbers on it and handed it to the group.
  "Yes, here they are. The stock numbers for the barrels that were stolen are 1045 through 1052. If you find any of those barrels you have found the bandits that robbed me."
There was a loud *CRASH* over near one of the large vats, followed by the sounds of liquid spilling on the floor. Virgil yelled out,
  "What in world are you doing back there!" He turned to the group, "I thank you again for your help, now if you will excuse me," and then headed over to vats, "I leave you guys alone for a few minutes and you dump my ale over the floor. Clean this mess up before I tan your hide."
  Outside the brewery the group could see that the sun had set, the hazy light of dusk had now moved into the darkness of evening. The village was well lit, with several torch lamps set out in front of buildings to light dirt paths within the village. The sounds of merriment drifted up from the inn, that was visible just across the river and down the hill from the brewery.
Virgil Tamen by 3orcs
"Through brewing, we connect with the land and its bounty."
Virgil Tamen Age: 29
  • Role: Owner and Braumeister of Tamen Brewery
  • Appearance: A burly man with thick blonde hair and a full beard, Virgil has a youthful appearance and wears dark brown overalls and a white shirt.
  • Personality: Virgil is jovial and commanding, a master of his craft who takes pride in his brewing expertise. His booming voice and big smile are as welcoming as his brews.
  • Skills: An expert in brewing, Virgil is adept at crafting a variety of ales, beers, and meads with precision and creativity.
  • Religion: Follower of The Old Faith 
  • Equipment: Scale armor, shield, spear, mace
Missy Tamen Age: 20
  • Role: Goodwife and manager of the household
  • Appearance: Missy is a kind and nurturing woman, often seen caring for their young child.
  • Personality: Supportive and organized, Missy ensures the smooth running of both the home and brewery.
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
Dee Tamen Age: 0.5
  • Role: Infant daughter
  • Description: Dee is the youngest member of the Tamen family, bringing joy and future promise to the household.
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
Knuckles Age: 18
  • Role: Virgil's nephew and brewery assistant
  • Appearance: Knuckles is a sturdy young man, always ready to lend a hand with the brewing or in defense of the brewery.
  • Personality: Hardworking and eager to learn, Knuckles looks up to his uncle and aspires to master the craft.
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
  • Equipment: Ringmail, shield, spear, shortsword
Nessa Age: 16
  • Role: Knuckles' wife and helper
  • Appearance: Nessa is a cheerful and supportive presence, assisting with various tasks around the brewery.
  • Personality: Energetic and helpful, Nessa contributes to the community spirit of the brewery.
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
Tuperello Age: 17
  • Role: Apprentice brewer
  • Appearance: Tuperello is a tall, enthusiastic young man, quick to learn and eager to prove himself.
  • Personality: Ambitious and diligent, Tuperello is dedicated to mastering the art of brewing.
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
  • Equipment: Spear
Mickey Age: 15
  • Role: Apprentice brewer
  • Appearance: Mickey is a lively and curious youth, always eager to take on new challenges.
  • Personality: Energetic and friendly, Mickey adds to the vibrant atmosphere of the brewery.
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
  • Equipment: Club
Cavanaugh Age: 15
  • Role: Apprentice brewer
  • Appearance: Cavanaugh is thoughtful and observant, often seen quietly absorbing the knowledge shared by Virgil.
  • Personality: Reflective and focused, Cavanaugh is committed to becoming a skilled brewer.
  • Religion: Follower of St. Cuthbert 
  • Equipment: Morning star
Braumeister: AC 5 (scale & shield Level 0;
hp 6; #AT 1; D 1-6 (spear) or 2-7 (mace)   Nephew: AC 6 (ring mail & shield Level 0;
hp 5; #AT 1; D 1-6 (spear or shortsword XP 15   Apprentices (3): AC 10; Level 0; hp 4, 3, 3,
#AT 1; D 1-6 (spear or club) or 2-8 (morning star XP 14, 13, 13   Dog: AC 6; HD 2 + 2; hp 12; #AT 1; D 2-8; XP71
Tamen Brewery Hommlet Ale
Tamen Brewery’s Hommlet Ale is a well-balanced, flavorful brew that captures the essence of traditional village life. It is an ale that invites drinkers to savor each sip, reflecting the care and skill with which it is crafted.
  • Color: The Hommlet Ale has a rich amber hue, with a slight reddish tint that glows warmly in the light.Clarity: It is slightly hazy, hinting at the unfiltered, rustic nature of its brewing process.
  • Head: The ale pours with a frothy, cream-colored head that leaves a delicate lace on the glass as it settles.
Tamen Brewery Keg by 3orcs

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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