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28. Bilby carpenter

The sign before this place shows a saw and hammer. The building appears newly constructed.
Bilby Construction is the bustling workshop and residence of the Bilby family, who recently settled in the village of Hommlet. Known for their skilled carpentry, the Bilbys have quickly established themselves as essential contributors to the local community, despite being seen as outsiders by some. The workshop is located at the center of the village, across from Elder Manor and adjacent to the Doomwatch construction site.

Location and Description

Bilby Construction Workshop
The Bilby Construction building is a large, newly constructed workshop that stands out with its sturdy timber frame and neatly shingled roof. A sign displaying a saw and hammer hangs above the entrance, symbolizing the trade that takes place within. The shop is filled with the sounds of saws cutting through wood and hammers driving nails, a testament to the ceaseless activity inside.
Attached to the workshop is a modest living quarters where the Bilby family resides. The dwelling is simple but well-kept, with a small garden in the back where Vindera, Bilby’s wife, grows herbs and vegetables. Despite its utilitarian appearance, the home exudes a warmth and coziness that reflects the family’s close-knit nature.  

Lore and History

The Bilby family moved to Hommlet about two years ago from a small village in Furyondy. Seeking better opportunities and a fresh start, Bilby set up his carpentry business in Hommlet, bringing his younger brother Pinder along as an apprentice. Despite their skills and hard work, the Bilby family is still considered outsiders by many villagers, who tend to be wary of newcomers.
Bilby’s primary motivation is to establish a successful business that will provide for his family and secure their future in Hommlet. He is also driven by a desire to be accepted by the local community, which fuels his dedication to his work and his involvement in the militia.
  • The Village of Hommlet: The Bilby family is slowly integrating into the community, though they are still regarded with some suspicion. They have a cordial relationship with the villagers but are not yet fully accepted.
  • Doomwatch Construction Site: Bilby has been hired to work on the 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site, providing high-quality materials and craftsmanship for the ongoing project. His work on this site is one of the ways he hopes to gain the trust and respect of the villagers.

Current Events

  • Doomwatch Keep: Bilby’s involvement in the Doomwatch Keep construction is a significant project that occupies much of his time. He sees this as an opportunity to showcase his skills and solidify his reputation in Hommlet.
  • Militia Service: Both Bilby and Pinder serve in the local militia, helping to protect the village from threats. Their participation in the militia further demonstrates their commitment to the community.
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
On Leadership: "The village leaders need to step up and take decisive action against these bandits. The safety of our homes and families is at stake."
On Militia Efforts: "The militia is doing what it can, but we’re stretched thin. We need more resources and better coordination to deal with this threat."
On Reliance on Old Faith: "The Old Faith has guided us for generations. In these troubled times, we must turn to its wisdom for strength and protection."
"The leaders of Hommlet are trying their best, but it feels like we're always one step behind these bandits. We need more than just patrols; we need a plan, a strategy to outthink them. The village has come together before in times of need, and I believe we can do it again, but it’s going to take everyone pulling their weight, from the highest to the lowest."


Bilby Construction is more than just a carpentry workshop; it’s a symbol of hard work, determination, and the struggle to find a place in a new community. The Bilby family’s dedication to their craft and their willingness to serve the village of Hommlet reflects their desire to be part of something greater. Despite being seen as outsiders, the Bilbys continue to prove their worth through their craftsmanship, their service to the militia, and their commitment to the values of the Old Faith.
Bilby Constuction by 3orcs
"In the hands of a skilled craftsman, even the simplest tools can create wonders."
Bilby, the Carpenter Age: 22
Role: Carpenter (Guard)
  • Appearance: Bilby is a young, strong man with a muscular build, honed by years of carpentry work. He has short brown hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and sharp, focused eyes that convey his dedication to his craft.
  • Personality: Bilby is hardworking and meticulous, with a reputation for producing high-quality work. He is dedicated to his family and is motivated by a desire to secure their place in Hommlet. Despite being seen as an outsider, he is determined to prove himself and earn the respect of the villagers.
Vindera, the Goodwife Age: 18
Role: Goodwife (Commoner)
  • Appearance: Vindera is a petite young woman with long, dark hair often tied back in a simple braid. She has a kind, gentle face and a warm smile that endears her to those she meets.
  • Personality: Vindera is supportive and resourceful, managing the household and helping Bilby with various tasks. She is known for her kindness and is often found tending to her small garden or helping neighbors in need.
Pinder, the Apprentice Age: 20
Role: Apprentice Carpenter (Guard)
  • Appearance: Pinder is slightly taller and leaner than his brother, with a youthful, eager expression. His hair is lighter than Bilby’s, and he often has a smudge of sawdust on his clothes, a sign of his dedication to learning the trade.
  • Personality: Pinder is eager to prove himself as a capable carpenter and is always looking for ways to improve his skills. He is loyal to his brother and looks up to him as a role model. Though he is still learning, his enthusiasm makes up for his lack of experience.
Bilby and Pinder by 3orcs
Religion: Followers of The Old Faith    Carpenter: AC 6 (studded leather & shield)
Level 0; hp 4; D 1-8 (battle axe XP14   Brother: AC 8 (padded armor Level 0; hp 3
D 1-6 (hand axe) or 2-7 (spe- tum XP 13
Parent Location
Services Offered
  • Carpentry: Bilby Construction offers a range of carpentry services, including the building and repair of carts, wagons, barrels, and general woodwork. The workshop is known for producing durable and well-crafted items, often in high demand by other tradesmen in the village.
  • Custom Orders: Bilby is willing to take on custom projects, though these are often subject to availability and time constraints due to the workshop’s busy schedule.
  • Repairs: The workshop offers repair services for various wooden structures and items, ensuring that everything from wagons to household furniture is kept in good condition.

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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