P23. The Alchemist's Nook Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P23. The Alchemist's Nook

"Dry herbs and plants hang from the ceiling of this small shop like fragrant bats in a cave. The owner, a scrawny man named, Tarmock, creates and sells all manner of alchemical concoctions."
Located across the cobblestone street from P10. The Ivy and Hearth, The Alchemist's Nook is a quaint apothecary nestled within the township of Penwick. This small, ivy-covered wooden cottage is a treasure trove of herbal medicines and alchemical concoctions, with dried herbs and plants hanging from the ceiling like fragrant bats in a cave.
The Alchemist's Nook by 3orcs

Local Merchant Politics

Norric keeps to himself and avoids getting involved in the petty squabbles of the other merchants. However, his reputation as a skilled alchemist ensures that he is respected, if not entirely understood, by his peers.

Description of the Shop

Across the road from The Ivy and Hearth, The Alchemist's Nook is a slouched wooden cottage with ivy-covered walls. Parked outside the apothecary’s front door is a ramshackle wheelbarrow, hanging above which is a wooden sign shaped like a potion bottle. The interior of the shop is dimly lit, with shelves lined with glass jars filled with mysterious powders, liquids, and dried herbs. The air is thick with the scent of various plants and concoctions, creating an atmosphere of both intrigue and slight discomfort.


The Alchemist's Nook is a cornerstone of Penwick’s cobblestone streets, offering both locals and adventurers an array of alchemical goods. Norric Thistledown's eccentric personality and profound knowledge make his shop a fascinating, if slightly intimidating, place to visit. His contributions to the local community, though sometimes shrouded in mystery, are invaluable to those in need of his herbal remedies and alchemical expertise.
Thaddeus Fallow by 3orcs
Norric Thistledown
  • Physical Description: Norric is a scrawny man in his late forties, with wispy hair and perpetually ink-stained fingers. His sharp, piercing eyes and quick movements give the impression of a man always on the brink of a new discovery.
  • Personality: Norric is an eccentric and secretive individual, known for his sharp wit and keen intellect. Despite his scrawny appearance, he commands respect through his vast knowledge of herbs and alchemy. He is often seen muttering to himself as he works, lost in the complexities of his craft.
  • Background: Norric hails from a long line of herbalists and alchemists. His family has been in Penwick for generations, and he inherited the shop from his mother, who was a well-respected healer in the community.
  • Motivation: Norric is driven by a relentless curiosity and a desire to uncover the secrets of nature. He dreams of creating the perfect elixir that will cure all ailments and extend life indefinitely.
Parent Location
Norric sells a variety of herbal medicines and salves of questionable efficacy. In addition to herbs and salves, he sells “sweet water” for 1 gp a flask. The sweet, naturally carbonated water bubbles up from a tiny spring in the shed behind Norric’s cottage. He makes most of his money selling this water to the proprietors of P10. The Ivy and Hearth.
  • Herbal Medicine (Healing Herbs): 5 sp per bundle
  • Salve of Minor Healing: 100 gp per jar
  • Antitoxin: 100 gp per vial
  • Sweet Water: 1 gp per flask
  • Potion of Clarity (boosts mental acuity): 150 gp per vial
  • Potion of Sleep (induces sleep): 200 gp per vial
  • Fire Salts (ignites upon contact with air): 50 gp per small pouch
  • Alchemist's Fire: 200 gp per flask
  • Herbal Incense (calming effect): 2 sp per stick

Cover image: by 3orcs


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