P4. Happy Horse Ranch Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P4. Happy Horse Ranch

The Happy Horse Ranch, run by the Karnveller family, is a bustling establishment dedicated to raising, training, selling, and stabling horses. The ranch features three large buildings: a two-story log house, a stone storehouse, and stone stables connected to a riding yard and grazing field.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
Happy Horse Ranch is situated on the outskirts of Penwick, surrounded by lush fields perfect for grazing and riding. The property includes three main buildings: the family’s two-story log house with a detached outhouse, a stone storehouse filled with used saddles, bridles, and reins, and stone stables connected to a fenced-in riding yard and grazing field.
  • Location: Outskirts of Penwick
  • Two-story log house with detached outhouse (family estate)
  • Stone storehouse filled with used saddles, bridles, and reins
  • Stone stables connected to a fenced-in riding yard and grazing field

Services and Activities

Horse Raising and Training
The Karnveller family excels in raising and training horses. They are known for their high-quality horses, which are sought after by buyers from Penwick and beyond. The training programs are rigorous, ensuring that each horse is well-behaved and skilled.
  • Raising high-quality horses
  • Rigorous training programs

Horse Sales and Stabling

The ranch offers horses for sale, catering to a variety of needs, from workhorses to riding horses. Additionally, the Karnvellers provide stabling services, ensuring that each horse receives the best care possible.
  • Horse sales
  • Stabling services
Local Flavor and Current Events
Community Role
The Happy Horse Ranch plays a significant role in the community of Penwick. The Karnveller family’s contributions to the town militia and their provision of high-quality horses make them highly respected figures in the local area. Their ranch is a hub of activity and a vital part of Penwick’s economy and defense.
  • Community Role: Significant, respected contributors
  • Economic Impact: Vital part of the local economy

Current Challenges

Recently, the ranch has faced several challenges. There have been reports of increased bandit activity in the region, posing a threat to the ranch and the town. Additionally, rumors of a green dragon preying on livestock have caused concern among the Karnvellers and their neighbors. Despite these challenges, Janele and her sons remain determined to protect their ranch and support their community.
  • Increased bandit activity
  • Rumors of a green dragon


Happy Horse Ranch, under the guidance of Janele Karnveller and her sons, is a cornerstone of the Penwick community. With their dedication to raising and training high-quality horses, their contributions to the town militia, and their resilience in the face of challenges, the Karnveller family embodies the spirit and strength of Penwick. The ranch continues to thrive, providing essential services and support to the local area while facing the ever-present challenges of their environment.
Happy Horse Ranch by 3orcs
"Resilient as the wind, steadfast as the earth."
The Karnveller Family
Matriarch: Janele Karnveller
Janele Karnveller is the spirited and feisty matriarch of the Karnveller family. A middle-aged widow, she is known for her deep love of horses and her strong, independent nature. Janele prefers the company of horses over people and is often found in the stables or the riding yard.
  • Role: Family matriarch
  • Personality: Feisty, independent, loves horses
  • Motivation: To maintain the ranch and ensure its success
  • Sons: Aldo, Hingo, and Rasko Karnveller
Janele has three adult sons, all of whom are dedicated members of the town militia. They are known for their strong sense of duty and loyalty to both their family and the town of Penwick. Each son has a unique personality but shares a common goal of supporting their mother and the ranch.
  • Names: Aldo, Hingo, and Rasko Karnveller
  • Roles: Members of the town militia
Personality Traits
  • Aldo: Eldest, responsible, and protective
  • Hingo: Middle son, pragmatic, and hardworking
  • Rasko: Youngest, energetic, and determined
  • Motivation: To support their mother and the ranch, and to serve the town militia
"Strength, spirit, and the open field."
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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