P19. The Curious Curio Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P19. The Curious Curio

This two story building is densely packed with all manner of mundane things, there is little of obvious interest here for adventurers. The spacious stone building is fastidious. The shopkeep is polishing a cutlery. The shopkeep nods at you, and drags his feet over to you, and introduces himself as Leonyrdo Renfield, the assistant manager of the General Store, and asks what he can do for you. A bell rings every time someone enters the shop.    Nyrdo smiles, and says "What are you after? We can do just about anything you could possibly need; twine, chairs, tins, spoons, you name it! Be warned, these prices might be... out of your range"
The Curious Curio is a bustling trader's shop located in the heart of Penwick. Known for its wide array of mundane goods, the shop caters to the everyday needs of the townsfolk. The owner, a meticulous and friendly trader, ensures that the shop is well-stocked and orderly.

Detailed Description

Location and Structure
The Curious Curio is centrally located in Penwick, near the main square, making it a convenient stop for both locals and visitors. Its prominent location ensures a steady stream of customers.
The shop is a two-story stone building with a spacious interior. The exterior is adorned with a large, colorful sign that reads "The Curious Curio." Inside, the shop is densely packed with shelves and displays of various goods, yet maintains an orderly and clean appearance.
  • Location: Centrally located in Penwick near the main square
  • Structure: Two-story stone building with a spacious, orderly interior
  • Exterior: Large, colorful sign
  • Interior: Shelves and displays packed with goods
"From twine to tins, if you need it, we've got it."

Background and History

Leonyrdo took over The Curious Curio from his father, who established the shop decades ago. He grew up learning the trade and has since expanded the shop's inventory and reputation. Despite his success, he remains humble and dedicated to his work.
  • Early Life: Grew up learning the trade from his father
  • Career: Expanded the shop's inventory and reputation
  • Reputation: Known for a wide array of quality goods
Leonyrdo is motivated by a desire to provide for his family and maintain the shop's reputation. He takes pride in his work and enjoys the challenge of running a successful business. He also has a soft spot for helping those in need, often giving discounts to those who are struggling.
  • Primary Motivation: Provide for his family and maintain the shop's reputation
  • Secondary Motivation: Helping those in need

Political and Social Relationships

Relations with Lords of Verbobonc
Leonyrdo maintains a neutral stance in the political landscape of Verbobonc. He ensures that his shop remains a welcoming place for all, regardless of their political affiliations. However, he has good relations with local lords, who often rely on his shop for household goods.  
Relations with Other Businesses
Leonyrdo has a friendly rivalry with Elara Thunderstrike, the owner of Iron Thunder Forge across the street. Despite their competition, they maintain a mutual respect and occasionally collaborate on community events.  
  • Rivalry: Friendly competition with Iron Thunder Forge
  • Support: Mutual respect and occasional collaboration

Current Issues

Maintaining Inventory: Keeping the shop well-stocked with a wide variety of goods is a constant challenge. Leonyrdo works tirelessly to ensure that The Curious Curio meets the needs of the community.  
  • Focus: Keeping the shop well-stocked
  • Challenge: Wide variety of goods


The Curious Curio stands as a testament to dedication and community service in Penwick. Under Leonyrdo Renfield’s careful management, the shop continues to provide essential goods to the townsfolk, maintaining its reputation as a reliable and welcoming establishment.
The Curious Curio shop by 3orcs
"What are you after? We've got just about anything you could need!"
Leonyrdo Renfield
Physical Description
Leonyrdo Renfield is a middle-aged man with a slightly stooped posture and a friendly demeanor. He has graying hair and sharp blue eyes that miss nothing. His hands are always busy, either polishing cutlery or arranging goods.
  • Age: Middle-aged
  • Appearance: Slightly stooped, graying hair, sharp blue eyes, busy hands
Leonyrdo is meticulous and detail-oriented, with a knack for organization. He is friendly and welcoming, always ready to help a customer find what they need. Despite his friendly demeanor, he has a keen eye for business and ensures that his shop remains profitable.
  • Meticulous
  • Detail-oriented
  • Friendly
  • Keen eye for business
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Leonyrdo Renfield by 3orcs
Shop Services and Products
The Curious Curio specializes in common household items and goods. The shop's inventory includes everything from twine and chairs to tins and spoons. Prices are average, ensuring that most items are affordable for the townsfolk.
  • Twine
  • Chairs
  • Tins
  • Spoons
  • Cutlery
  • Pots and pans
  • Cleaning supplies
Customer Service
Leonyrdo prides himself on excellent customer service. He and his assistants are always on hand to help customers find what they need and offer advice on products. The shop has a welcoming atmosphere, making it a pleasant place to shop.
  • Personalized assistance
  • Product advice
  • Special orders

Cover image: by 3orcs


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