P21. The Golden Loaf Bakery Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P21. The Golden Loaf Bakery

The Bakery Smells Lusciously Of Yeasty Bread. The Most Wonderful Smell Is Coming From The Open Shop, The Smell Of Fresh Baked Bread. It Is A good sized Shop that serves the entire township. Heat Pours Out Of It Into The Street, With Big Bright Pained Windows Showing Sweet Cakes, Pastries And Loaf's Of Fresh Bread. This Busy Shop Has Brown Shingles And Clean Yellow And Blue Stripped Awning With A Bell On The White Washed Oak Door. Outback is a large bread oven.

Inside shop

You enter the Bakery Shop and see that inside, the small wooden building is reasonably tidy. The shopkeep is rolling a think puffy ball of dough onto a wood slab, raises a hand with a wave, and walks to you, and introduces herself as Felicia Hearthglow, the proud owner of The Golden Loaf Bakery, and asks what she can do for you. Maedisa does not seem to belong there, and looks very uncomfortable.
Nestled in the heart of Penwick on the north side of the market square, The Golden Loaf Bakery is a bustling hub of delicious aromas and warm, welcoming charm. This article delves into the history, layout, and significance of this beloved establishment, as well as the background and personality of its owner, Felicia Hearthglow.

Location and Description

Outside the Shop
The Golden Loaf Bakery is a good-sized shop that serves the entire township of Penwick. Its exterior is inviting, with brown shingles and a clean yellow and blue striped awning that shades a white-washed oak door. The bright, large windows display an array of sweet cakes, pastries, and freshly baked loaves of bread, enticing passersby with their luscious, yeasty aroma. A bell on the door chimes cheerfully as customers enter, adding to the bakery's warm, homey atmosphere. Outback, a large bread oven works tirelessly, filling the air with the comforting scent of baking bread.   Inside the Shop
Upon entering The Golden Loaf Bakery, customers are greeted by a reasonably tidy interior. The small wooden building is filled with the bustling energy of a busy bakery. The shop is arranged with wooden shelves displaying a variety of baked goods, and a large wooden slab serves as the workspace for kneading and rolling dough. The air inside is warm, both from the heat of the ovens and the friendly atmosphere created by the shop’s owner, Felicia Hearthglow.

Personality and Background

  • Personality: Felicia is a hard-working and dedicated baker, deeply committed to her craft and her customers. Despite her love for baking, she sometimes appears uncomfortable, as though she feels she doesn't quite belong in the bustling market square. This is due to her humble origins and a lingering sense of imposter syndrome. Nevertheless, her warm personality and genuine care for her patrons shine through in everything she does.
  • Background and Motivation: Felicia grew up in a small farming village outside Penwick. She learned to bake from her grandmother, who instilled in her a love for creating delicious, comforting food. After inheriting a small sum of money, she moved to Penwick and opened The Golden Loaf Bakery, determined to share her passion with the community. Her motivation is simple: to provide fresh, delicious baked goods and create a welcoming space for everyone in Penwick.
  • Opinions of Local Politics: Felicia is generally apolitical, preferring to focus on her bakery and her customers. However, she holds a quiet respect for Mayor Connor Grantham and appreciates the stability his leadership brings to Penwick. She is wary of the more ambitious and aggressive nobles, such as Sir Arant Kolgrim, fearing that their pursuits could disrupt the peaceful life of the township.

History of The Golden Loaf Bakery

The Golden Loaf Bakery has been a fixture in Penwick for over a decade. Felicia opened the shop with the modest inheritance from her grandmother, transforming a rundown building into the thriving bakery it is today. Over the years, the bakery has become a beloved establishment, known for its high-quality baked goods and welcoming atmosphere.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
House Asbury
Felicia supplies bread and pastries to House Asbury for their feasts and gatherings. The relationship is mutually beneficial, as House Asbury enjoys the bakery's high-quality goods, and Felicia appreciates the steady business and prestige that comes with serving a noble house.   House Milinous
While House Milinous is primarily focused on military and political affairs, they occasionally order baked goods from The Golden Loaf for special occasions. Felicia's relationship with House Milinous is cordial but distant, as she prefers to avoid entangling herself in their more aggressive and ambitious pursuits.

Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc

The Golden Loaf Bakery plays a small but significant role in the local economy and community life of Penwick. By providing a steady supply of baked goods and creating a welcoming space for townsfolk to gather, the bakery contributes to the overall stability and cohesion of the township. Felicia's apolitical stance and focus on her craft allow her to navigate the complex political landscape of the Viscounty with relative ease.
Key Points
  • Community Hub: The Golden Loaf Bakery serves as a central gathering place for the people of Penwick, offering delicious baked goods and a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
  • Dedication to Craft: Felicia Hearthglow's commitment to baking and her genuine care for her customers make The Golden Loaf a beloved establishment.
  • Strategic Relationships: Felicia maintains beneficial relationships with House Asbury and House Milinous, providing baked goods for their special occasions while avoiding deeper political entanglements.
  • Stability and Cohesion: The bakery's role in the local economy and community life contributes to the overall stability and cohesion of Penwick, reinforcing its importance within the township.

Adventures and Points of Interest

The Bakery's Role in Local Events
Hearthglow Bakery often plays a part in local festivals and events, providing pastries and bread for celebrations. Felicia's shop is also a place where adventurers can gather information, rest, and enjoy a hearty meal before heading out on their next quest.


Hearthglow Bakery is more than just a place to buy bread; it is a cornerstone of the Penwick community. Under Felicia Hearthglow's dedicated care, the bakery continues to thrive, bringing warmth and joy to everyone who steps through its doors.
Felicia Hearthglow by 3orcs
"A good loaf of bread is the heart of any meal."
Owner: Felicia Hearthglow
  • Physical Description: Felicia Hearthglow is a woman in her early forties with a sturdy build and a warm, kind face. She has auburn hair, often tied back in a practical bun, and bright, expressive eyes that convey her passion for baking.
  • Personality: She is warm, welcoming, and deeply committed to her craft. Her cheerful demeanor and dedication to her bakery make her a beloved figure in Penwick.
  • Background: Felicia took over the bakery from her parents and has continued their legacy of providing high-quality baked goods to the community.
  • Motivation: Felicia is driven by a love for baking and a desire to bring joy to her customers through her delicious creations.
  • Opinions of Local Politics: She remains neutral, focusing on her business and avoiding political entanglements, though she respects the local lords and values the stability they bring.
Parent Location

Bakery Shop list

Barley Loaf (16ounces)1 loaf6 copper coins
Muffin1 muffin2 copper coins
Bryndon1 cake1 silver coin
Oatcake (8 ounces)1 cake5 copper coins
Custard Tart1 tart4 copper coins
Payn Puff1 pastry8 copper coins
Daryols (2 pound pie)1 pie12 copper coins
Porridge1 bowl2 copper coins
Fruit Pie (2 to 3 pounds)1 pie7 copper coins
Rye Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun2 copper coins
Fruit Pie Slice1 slice1 copper coin
Rye Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf5 copper coins
Gyngerbrede (6 ounces)1 serving6 copper coins
Scone1 scone2 copper coins
Hard Biscuit (4 ounce slab)1 slab2 copper coins
Seed Cake (4 ounces)1 cake4 copper coins
Meat Pie (2 to 4 pounds)1 pie1 silver coin
Weat Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf15 copper coins
Meat Pie Slice1 slice2 copper coins
Wheat Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun7 copper coins

Cover image: by 3orcs


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