P11. Elk Ridge Harness Shop Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P11. Elk Ridge Harness Shop

Elk Ridge Harness Shop is renowned in Penwick for producing the finest elk-skin harnesses in the viscounty. Owned by a skilled harness-maker who crafts elaborate designs into his leatherwork, the shop is a favorite among Verbobonc nobles who enjoy horseback riding.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
Elk Ridge Harness Shop is situated in a cozy corner of Penwick, marked by a sign depicting an intricately designed harness. The shop itself is a quaint building with a thatched roof, large windows showcasing the beautiful harnesses, and the smell of leather and tanning chemicals permeating the air.
Exterior Features
  • Sign depicting an intricately designed harness
  • Quaint building with a thatched roof
  • Large windows showcasing harnesses
Inside the Shop
Inside, the shop is organized and clean, with shelves lined with various harnesses and leather goods. The workbench at the back is cluttered with tools, patterns, and pieces of leather. The walls are adorned with examples of the intricate designs that make the shop’s products so sought after.
Interior Features
Organized and clean
  • Shelves lined with harnesses and leather goods
  • Cluttered workbench with tools and patterns
  • Walls adorned with intricate design examples


Thaddeus hails from House Haxx, a prominent family in Verbobonc, but he never speaks of his past or his family. As his half elven blood makes it obvious he is a bastard child. The reasons behind his departure and his new life in Penwick remain a mystery to everyone. Despite his background, Thaddeus has carved out a new life for himself as a harness-maker.
  • Family: House Haxx, prominent in Verbobonc
  • Past: Never speaks of it
  • New Life: Skilled harness-maker in Penwick


Thaddeus is motivated by his passion for crafting high-quality harnesses and the satisfaction of seeing his work appreciated by nobles and riders. He finds peace in his work and in the solitude of his hunts, focusing on perfecting his craft and maintaining his independence.
  • Primary Motivation: Passion for crafting high-quality harnesses
  • Goals: Perfect his craft, maintain independence

Current Issues

Supply Challenges One of the challenges Thaddeus faces is maintaining a steady supply of elk skins. Hunting trips can be unpredictable, and he relies on his skills and the cooperation of nature to keep his shop stocked.
  • Challenge: Maintaining a steady supply of elk skins
  • Impact: Affects production consistency
  • Action: Relies on hunting skills and nature’s cooperation


Thaddeus's work is highly regarded, but he faces competition from other leatherworkers and harness-makers in the viscounty. His unique designs and high-quality materials set him apart, but he must continually innovate to stay ahead.
  • Challenge: Competition from other leatherworkers
  • Impact: Must continually innovate
  • Action: Focuses on unique designs and high-quality materials
Thaddues Secrets
Show spoiler
The truth is, several members of Thaddeus's family are secret worshipers of Orcus, and he wants nothing to do with that.


Elk Ridge Harness Shop, under the ownership of Thaddeus Haxx, is a key establishment in Penwick, known for its exquisite elk-skin harnesses. Despite his mysterious past, Thaddeus has built a reputation for quality and artistry that attracts customers from near and far. His dedication to his craft and his commitment to excellence ensure that Elk Ridge Harness Shop remains a beloved and respected part of the community.
Thaddeus Haxx by 3orcs
"Crafted with precision, worn with pride."
Thaddeus Haxx Personality
Thaddeus Haxx is a reserved Half-Elves  and skilled craftsman, known for his meticulous work and dedication to his craft. He is polite but prefers to keep conversations brief and focused on business. Thaddeus is deeply passionate about his work and takes great pride in the quality and artistry of his harnesses.
  • Role: Owner of Elk Ridge Harness Shop
Personality Traits
  • Reserved and polite
  • Meticulous and dedicated
  • Passionate about his work
Physical Description
Thaddeus is a tall, lean man with a rugged appearance, a result of his frequent elk-hunting trips. He has dark hair flecked with grey, sharp features, and hands roughened by years of leatherworking. He often wears simple, practical clothing suited for both crafting and hunting.
  • Appearance: Tall, lean, rugged, dark hair flecked with grey, sharp features, roughened hands, practical clothing
"Harnessing tradition, one elk-skin at a time."
Craftsman, Leatherworker
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs


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