P10. The Ivy and Hearth Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P10. The Ivy and Hearth

The Ivy and Hearth is a fine local inn—stately, clean, and quiet. Green awnings and flowering ivy tendrils adorn the outside of the squat little inn, and warm laughter burbles out through an open window. The brightly colored sign above the doorway proudly proclaims it to be The Ivy and Hearth Inn and depicts a brightly colored sign depicting a hearth with ivy. The wood panels of the exterior are weather worn but clean—an indication of the love and care with which this place is maintained.
The Ivy and Hearth is a fine local inn in Penwick, known for its stately, clean, and quiet atmosphere. Adorned with awnings and flowering ivy tendrils, this inn exudes warmth and hospitality. Owned by a retired adventurer named Liora Steelwind, the inn is a beloved establishment, meticulously maintained and welcoming to all travelers.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
The Ivy and Hearth is located in a prime spot in Penwick, easily accessible to both locals and visitors. The exterior features awnings and flowering ivy tendrils, with a brightly colored sign above the doorway depicting a hand-painted hearth with ivy around it. The wood panels of the exterior are weather-worn but clean, reflecting the love and care with which the inn is maintained.
Exterior Features
  • Awnings and flowering ivy tendrils
  • Brightly colored sign depicting a hearth with ivy
  • Weather-worn but clean wood panels

Inside the Inn

The interior of The Ivy and Hearth is warm and inviting. The smell of roasting potatoes and fresh ale fills the air as you enter. An oversized fireplace crackles, lighting up the room with help from wall sconces and a low-hanging chandelier. Bright woven tapestries adorn the walls, adding color to the wooden interior. The barkeep stands behind a counter to the left of the entrance, with the doorway to the kitchen open behind them. Three mastiffs (hunting dogs) sleep in the ground floor common room in front of the fire.
Interior Features
  • Oversized fireplace and wall sconces
  • Low-hanging chandelier
  • Bright woven tapestries
  • Barkeep's counter and open kitchen doorway
  • Three mastiffs sleeping in the common room
The smell of roasting potatoes and fresh ale wafts toward you when you push through the door. Logs crackle in the oversized fireplace, lighting up the room with help of several wall sconces and a low-hanging chandelier. Bright woven tapestries hang along the walls and add a touch of color to the wooden interior. The barkeep stands behind a counter to the left of the entrance, the doorway to the kitchen open behind them. Three mastiffs (hunting dogs) that sleep in the ground floor common room in front of the fire.


Liora bought The Ivy and Hearth from a local family over ten years ago, after her wife, a wizard, vanished into Welkwood on an expedition. Preferring a quieter life after her adventuring days, Liora decided to retire and run the inn. She has since become a beloved figure in Penwick, known for her kindness and dedication to her guests.
  • Background: Former adventurer, bought the inn over ten years ago
  • Significant Event: Wife, a wizard, vanished into Welkwood
Liora is motivated by a desire to provide a safe and welcoming haven for travelers. She takes great pride in maintaining the inn and ensuring that her guests feel at home. Her past experiences as an adventurer drive her to create a peaceful and comfortable environment where people can relax and enjoy their stay. Primary Motivation: Provide a safe and welcoming haven for travelers Goals: Maintain the inn, ensure guests feel at home

Current Issues

Staff and Operations
Liora employs a staff of six loyal, well-paid commoners who help run the inn. These staff members are of various races and ethnicities, reflecting the inclusive atmosphere of The Ivy and Hearth. They are dedicated to their work and help maintain the high standards of the inn.
  • Staff: Six loyal, well-paid commoners (LG males and females of various races and ethnicities)
  • Operations: Ensure high standards and guest satisfaction


The Ivy and Hearth is a cornerstone of Penwick, offering warmth, comfort, and hospitality to all who enter. Under the care of Liora Steelwind, a retired adventurer, the inn maintains a high standard of service and a welcoming atmosphere. With its cozy interior, dedicated staff, and the presence of three loyal mastiffs, The Ivy and Hearth continues to be a beloved establishment in Penwick, providing a safe and comfortable haven for travelers from near and far.
The Ivy and Hearth Inn by 3orcs
"Welcome to The Ivy and Hearth, where warmth and comfort meet."
Liora Steelwind
Liora Steelwind is a charismatic and welcoming innkeeper. Her past as an adventurer has given her a wealth of stories and a keen sense of hospitality. She is firm but fair, and her warmth is reflected in the cozy atmosphere of the inn. Liora is known for her no-nonsense attitude towards safety, warning armed guests to keep their blades sheathed during their stay.
  • Role: Proprietor of The Ivy and Hearth
  • Charismatic and welcoming
  • Firm but fair
  • Warm and hospitable
Physical Description
Liora is a middle-aged woman with a strong, athletic build from her years of adventuring. She has long, silver hair often tied back in a braid, and piercing blue eyes. She dresses simply but elegantly, favoring practical clothing suitable for running the inn.
  • Appearance: Middle-aged, strong, athletic build, long silver hair, piercing blue eyes, simple but elegant clothing
Parent Location
Liora Steelwind by 3orcs
"Leave your worries at the door and let us take care of the rest."

Common Meals

The food and drink available at taverns is as varied as the establishments themselves. These two pages presents lists of suitable food and drink divided by the quality of the establishment.
The table immediately below also presents the average cost of food and drink for sale in taverns.

Ale (gallon)2 sp
Ale (mug)4 cp
Wine (common; pitcher)2 sp
Wine (fine; bottle)10 gp

Poor1 sp
Common3 sp
Good2 gp

1Omelette with toasted nuts
2Ham with mixed greens
3Fish and bacon stew
4Rabbit in mushroom sauce
5Fried rabbit with nut cakes
6Poached fish with kale
7Cheap sausage with fried onion and apple chunks
8Black pudding and beans
9Corned beef with carrots
10Ham and vegetable stew
11Cheese and ham omelette
12Cheese and leek bake
13Rabbit pie with beets
14Black pudding with turnip and mushrooms
15Cheap sausage with cheese and chickpeas
16Cauliflower cheese with parsnip and kale
17Leek and chestnut stew
18Vine leaves stuffed with chickpeas and millet
19Chicken with buttered parsnip
20Fishcakes with cracked corn and red cabbage

3Watered white wine
6Cherry barley water
7Plum barley water
8Watered red wine
10Watered mead
11Pear barley water
12Elderflower cordial
13Blackberry cordial
14Elderberry cordial
15Sloe wine
16Sloe gin
17Rosehip cordial
18Gooseberry cordial
19Plum cider
20Blackcurrant cordial

1Chicken in plum sauce with rice
2Honey‐fried fish
3Sheep's head stew with barley and beans
4Star‐gazy pie
5Chicken and leek pie
6Mushroom flan
7Oxtail soup with cheese bread and onions
8Pork liver with onions and potatoes
9Bacon, eggs and fried Potatoes
10Parsnip soup with cheap sausage and bread
11Yoghurt soup with meatballs
12Trout stuffed with oats and mushrooms
13Lentil pancakes with cabbage and leeks
14Shellfish chowder
15Fishballs with mixed greens
16Lamb heart stew
17Brawn with spinach, turnips and carrots
18Oxtongue with onion bread and hazelnuts
19Fish cooked in ale with mashed swede and potato
20Vine leaves stuffed with garlic cheese, served with millet balls

Cover image: by 3orcs


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