P20. Mayor Connor Estate Farm Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P20. Mayor Connor Estate Farm

The Mayor Connor Estate Farm is a prominent and historically significant location in the township of Penwick. It serves as the residence and administrative center for Mayor Connor Grantham, the hereditary leader of Penwick. This large, walled manor is a symbol of authority and tradition, playing a central role in the town's governance and community life.

Location Description

The Township of Penwick
Penwick is a quaint and historically rich township situated in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Known for its verdant countryside, Penwick is characterized by its picturesque farmlands, rolling hills, and strategic location. The township is a hub of agricultural activity, with a close-knit community that prides itself on hard work and resilience.

The Estate

The Mayor Connor Estate Farm is a large, grand manor located on the southside of town. The estate's strategic location allows for a commanding view of Penwick and its surroundings, ensuring the mayor can keep a watchful eye over his domain. The manor is surrounded by a sturdy stone wall with a well-manned gatehouse, providing security and a sense of grandeur.

Detailed Description

The estate's exterior is a testament to skilled craftsmanship, featuring straight, level stone walls and robust old-growth oak woodwork. The windows in the nobles' chambers and the chapel are made of glass, while those in other rooms are crafted from horn or taut sheepskin. The manor's roofs are a combination of slate shingles and fire-protected wooden planks, ensuring durability and safety.


The courtyard is a modest green area used for ceremonies and accommodating small wagon caravans. It is kept green to feed the geese. A single shed for firewood stands against the main hall wall. The manor house’s four fireplaces consume moderate amounts of wood, delivered weekly. A stone-lined well, surrounded by a waist-high wall, serves the manor. The rope and bucket are attached to a winch, drawing clear, cold water.   Interior
The manor's interior is equally impressive, with fireplaces used throughout for warmth. The ground floor includes a courtyard, Captain of the Guard’s quarters, guest quarters, the chamberlain’s quarters, a kitchen and bakehouse, a great hall, a bathhouse, a granary, a kennel, and stables. The second floor houses the guard room, a nursery, a chapel, guest rooms, the steward’s room, the solar, the herald’s room, another guest room, and the clothier’s room and workshop. The third floor includes the guard’s quarters, a sleeping loft, the library loft, the strong room, and an additional loft. The fourth floor features the gatehouse parapet and the great hall parapet. The cellar holds the kitchen cellar stores.


The manor house was constructed by a skilled master mason, ensuring its strength and durability. The estate has a storied history, reflecting the legacy of the Grantham family. Over the years, the manor has seen various upgrades and repairs, though not all have matched the quality of the original structure.


Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc
The Grantham family, particularly Mayor Connor Grantham, is beholden to Baroness Elinor Asbury  for the lands of House Asbury. This feudal relationship ensures the Granthams' loyalty and support for the Asbury family, fostering a sense of mutual respect and obligation.
Politics in Penwick
Connor Grantham runs the affairs of Penwick with guidance from his son Gaelsich. The mayor’s cautious and measured approach contrasts with Gaelsich's youthful enthusiasm. This dynamic ensures a balanced governance, combining experience with fresh perspectives.
Politics in the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The Grantham family maintains a respectful relationship with the broader political landscape of Verbobonc. Their allegiance to House Asbury  and their interactions with House Milinous play crucial roles in their political maneuvering. Connor’s reluctance to engage directly in Verbobonc's politics is balanced by Gaelsich’s potential future involvement.
With the Church of St Cuthbert
The Granthams have a respectful relationship with the Church of St. Cuthbert, valuing its influence and moral guidance. The church plays a significant role in the spiritual life of Penwick, and the Granthams support its activities.   With the Church of Zodal The Church of Zodal, known for its mercy and benevolence, has a more subtle influence in Penwick. The Granthams appreciate its humanitarian efforts, particularly its healing services, which benefit the community.

Relationship with Arant Kolgrim

Lord Arant Kolgrim, known for his unbridled arrogance and inflated sense of self-importance, has a strained relationship with Mayor Connor Grantham. These traits have won Arant few friends and allies in Penwick and beyond. Despite his lofty position, he often comes across as condescending and detached from the needs of his people. Arant's lack of interest in governance has led to poor administration of his lands. Resources are wasted, and many of the manor's staff have been replaced over the past year. His increasing reliance on mercenaries, who are paid well for little work, has further strained the manor's finances. This dynamic impacts his relationship with Mayor Connor in several ways:
Political Tension
  • Mayor Connor, a seasoned and practical leader, finds Arant's arrogance and lack of governance troubling.
  • Arant’s condescension towards local politics creates a disconnect between him and Mayor Connor, who values community engagement.
Economic Concerns
  • Mayor Connor is aware of the economic decline caused by Arant's mismanagement and resource wastage.
  • This economic strain affects the broader community of Penwick, complicating Mayor Connor’s efforts to maintain stability.
Social Strain
  • Arant’s social isolation due to his arrogance contrasts sharply with Mayor Connor’s more approachable and community-focused demeanor.
  • The townspeople's growing dissatisfaction with Arant indirectly pressures Mayor Connor to address these issues, despite their differing governance styles.
Mercenary Reliance
  • Arant’s heavy reliance on mercenaries is viewed skeptically by Mayor Connor, who prefers a more balanced and strategic use of resources.
  • The presence of well-paid but underutilized mercenaries under Arant’s command causes friction, as it highlights the inefficiencies in Arant's leadership.

Current Issues

The Grantham estate, like much of Penwick, bears the scars of past conflicts and economic challenges. The manor’s upkeep reflects these struggles, with repairs that often fall short of the original craftsmanship. Mayor Connor Grantham faces the ongoing task of maintaining stability and prosperity in the face of these challenges, while also preparing Gaelsich to eventually take over the mantle of leadership.

Mayor Connor's Estate Farm

A Detailed Layout
The manor of Mayor Connor Grantham is a grand and imposing structure, standing as a testament to the historical and cultural richness of Penwick. This comprehensive layout and description delve into the various floors and rooms of the manor, highlighting its architectural splendor and the activities within.

Ground Floor

3. Courtyard
The courtyard is a modest green area used for ceremonies and accommodating small wagon caravans. It is kept green to feed the geese. A single shed for firewood stands against the main hall wall. The manor house’s four fireplaces consume moderate amounts of wood, delivered weekly. A stone-lined well, surrounded by a waist-high wall, serves the manor. The rope and bucket are attached to a winch, drawing clear, cold water.
4. Captain of the Guard’s Quarters
The mayor displays his wealth modestly by keeping a captain of the guard as his personal retainer. Captain Garrick Vardon, a young and dedicated fighter, commands the small manor guard. He shares a humble yet comfortable room with his wife, Sheryl. They do not yet have any children but are trying.
5. Guest Quarters
This versatile room doubles as a classroom for the children during the day, providing a flexible space for education and accommodation.
6. Chamberlain’s Quarters
The chamberlain, Harlan Arvannor, is responsible for purchasing supplies and supervising the household servants. He can read and write and keeps accurate accounts of household expenses. Harlan shares a cozy corner room with his wife and son, both of whom are employed as domestic servants.
7. Kitchen and Bakehouse
With stone walls and groin vaulting for fire protection, this room is dominated by a massive fireplace capable of cooking an entire ox and a smaller baking oven. The double doors from the courtyard are usually left open during the day to dissipate heat. A trapdoor leads to the cellars, and a spiral stone staircase connects to the nobles’ quarters above and the cellar below.
8. Great Hall
The social and administrative hub of the manor. By night, the lord hosts modest feasts for his friends and liegemen. By day, he manages the concerns of the manor from his seat on the dais. Two heavy doors enter at ground level, one from the courtyard and one from the kitchen. The wooden dais supports the lord’s table. A single large fireplace heats the room, keeping it warm in all but the coldest winter days. A stone staircase rises to the upper floor.
9. Bathhouse
The bathhouse features a large wooden tub and a big fireplace for heating water. Servants draw water from the well, heat it in cauldrons, and fill the tub. A drain empties into the dry moat, where the water seeps away.
10. Store Room
Dedicated to supplying the household’s supplies cool in the cellar of the great hall.
11. Granary
The large barn holds the finished products of agricultural work, including grains, smoked and salted meat, seed for next year’s planting, and reserves for crop failure. It is kept neat, tight, and dry, with numerous cats keeping the rats and mice to a minimum.
12. Kennel
The manor lord’s prized hunting dogs roam the courtyard by day and sleep in this comfortable kennel by night.
13. Stables
The warhorses of the lord, his knight retainer, and steward, plus three valuable palfreys, are kept in stalls at night. The ostler takes them to pasture to graze during the day, with tack and saddles hung along the front wall.

Second Floor

1. Guard Room
A staircase from the courtyard leads to the second floor of the gatehouse. The guardroom has a fireplace and a table with stools for the guards when off duty.
2. Nursery
This warm, snug room at the end of the corridor is occupied by three ladies-in-waiting, the nursemaid, and the lord’s two small children.
3. Chapel
Simply furnished with benches, an altar, and religious tapestries, the chapel features a large stained glass window.
4.Guest Room
This room accommodates visiting merchants and officials.
5. Steward’s Room
Yeldos Ayatev, the steward of the manor, resides here.
6. Solar
The lord’s bed chamber is richly decorated with an elaborately carved four-poster bed, embroidered heavy curtains, and comfortable high-backed chairs in front of the fireplace. A ladder leads up to the loft.
7. Catwalk
The five-foot-wide catwalk encircles the great hall, providing access to nine arrow slits and the lord’s solar. The catwalk is a popular sleeping area for lower-ranking visitors due to the heat rising from the fireplaces below. A steep ladder leads up to the parapet.
8. South Parapet
Facing the river and shaded by the granary and great hall, this parapet is less desirable but still pleasant. It is the unofficial gathering spot for senior servants.
9. Hay Loft
The voluminous hayloft stores large quantities of fodder for the lord’s prized horses, with plans to triple the storage capacity by adding planks and timbers.
10. East Parapet
Overlooking the countryside, the east parapet is a popular place to relax on warm summer evenings. Chairs are brought from the hall, and a brazier is set up for fires in the evening.
11. Herald’s Room
The herald, a relative of the mayor, keeps track of the mayor's business and conducts negotiations on the lord’s behalf. He shares this comfortable room with his wife.
12. Guest Room
Another guest room for visitors.
13. Clothier’s Room and Workshop
The lord’s bonded clothier lives here with his family. The room is dominated by a large loom, and the chamber is warmed by a fireplace and well lit by three windows.

Third Floor

1. Guard’s Quarters
A trapdoor and ladder provide access to this chamber from the guardroom below. The garrison consists of a sergeant, two men-at-arms, and two archers. The sergeant also acts as the lord’s huntsman and has a single bed, while the men share two bunks.
2. Sleeping Loft
The main sleeping quarters for servants and lower-ranking guests. The large room has a sloped roof, with straw ticks laid out for the servants. Extra bedrolls are stacked, ready for use. The only source of heat is the warm air rising from the kitchen and noble quarters below.
3. Library Loft
A ladder leads to the mayor's personal library from the lord’s solar.
4. Strong Room
The strong room is aptly named, with twelve-inch-thick planks lining the floor and walls. An iron-clad door with a stout lock protects the lord’s treasure and valuables.
5. Loft
This spacious loft is rarely used, as it is only accessible by ladder. It is available for overflow guests.

Fourth Floor

1. Gatehouse Parapet
Used as a watchtower and sentry post, an archer is on duty here only if trouble is expected. From this vantage point, much of the lord’s manor can be seen.
2. Great Hall Parapet
The parapet running around the roof of the great hall is the same height as the gatehouse but rarely manned. A very long and spindly ladder from the catwalk provides the only access. It is typically only manned if the manor house is besieged.


1. Kitchen Cellar
The cool, dark cellar stores food for immediate consumption or delicate items that can’t be stored in the granary. Items such as smoked meat, vegetables, and dried fruit hang from the ceiling. Barrels of salt beef and fish are stacked against the wall. Spices are kept in chests in the spice room, while wine is stored in the kitchen cellar or granary. Good wine and excellent wine are kept locked in the wine cellar.
2. Siege Stores
Below the great hall is a large groin vaulted cellar filled with food set aside for famine or siege. Foods such as salted meat, sacks of grain, and other preserves are preferred. The great hall has its own well for emergencies. The armoury contains various weapons and armour for equipping the militia. The equipment is well greased but some items have rust.
Mayor Conner Estate Farm by 3orcs
"A steady hand for Penwick’s prosperity."
Mayor Connor Grantham 
  • Physical Description: Connor Grantham is a 60-year-old man, showing signs of wear and fatigue from his long years of service. He has a weathered face, with deep lines etched from years of responsibility. His hair is thinning and mostly gray, reflecting his age and the burdens of leadership.
  • Personality: Connor is a tired yet resolute leader. He is dedicated to his community and deeply committed to the welfare of Penwick, though his age has slowed him down. He is practical, cautious, and prefers to avoid unnecessary risks.
  • Background: Connor has held the office of mayor for nearly thirty years, inheriting the position from his father. His tenure has seen both prosperity and hardship, including the aftermath of the Elemental Wars. Despite the challenges, he has remained steadfast in his duties.
  • Motivation: Connor's primary motivation is to ensure the stability and prosperity of Penwick. He is committed to maintaining the traditions and legacy of his family, and he hopes to leave a strong foundation for his son Gaelsich.
Mayor Connor Grantham by 3orcs
Gaelsich Grantham
  • Physical Description: Gaelsich is a young man in his early twenties, with a lean build and a keen, inquisitive look in his eyes. He has dark hair and a youthful, eager expression.
  • Personality: Gaelsich is enthusiastic and curious, particularly fascinated by the adventuring life. He is eager to learn and often listens to tales of adventure with rapt attention.
  • Motivation: Gaelsich is motivated by a desire to prove himself and to gain experience beyond the confines of his duties in Penwick. He is eager to uphold his family’s legacy while also carving out his own path.
Gaelsich Grantham by 3orcs
Mayor’s Wife: Beatrix Grantham
  • Physical Description: Beatrix Grantham is a woman in her late fifties, with a graceful bearing and warm, kind eyes. She has long, silver hair often tied in a bun and wears simple yet elegant dresses.
  • Personality: Beatrix is compassionate, nurturing, and deeply committed to her family. She is a pillar of support for her husband and children, known for her wisdom and gentle demeanor.
  • Background: Beatrix comes from a noble family and was married to Connor Grantham in a union that strengthened both houses. She has always been involved in the affairs of the manor, offering her counsel and support.
  • Motivation: Beatrix is motivated by a desire to see her family thrive and maintain their standing in the community. She is dedicated to the well-being of her husband and children and strives to create a harmonious household.
  • Duties: Beatrix oversees the domestic affairs of the manor, manages household staff, and ensures the comfort of guests. She also engages in charitable activities and supports local community events.
  • Politics with the Grantham Family: Beatrix is deeply loyal to her husband and supports his decisions. She often provides a calming influence and helps mediate any conflicts within the household. Her wisdom and counsel are valued by both Connor and their son, Gaelsich.
Beatrix Grantham by 3orcs
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Characters of the Manor

Chamberlain: Harlan Arvannor
  • Physical Description: Harlan Arvannor is a tall, lean man in his mid-fifties with a stoic demeanor. His hair is graying, and he maintains a well-groomed beard. He often wears finely tailored clothes suitable for his station, with a simple gold chain around his neck signifying his office.
  • Personality: Harlan is meticulous, diligent, and highly organized. He is known for his unwavering loyalty to the Grantham family and his keen sense of duty. Despite his stern appearance, he is fair and just, often serving as a mediator in household disputes.
  • Background: Harlan comes from a long line of stewards and has been trained from a young age in the arts of administration and management. His family has served noble houses for generations, instilling in him a deep sense of responsibility and tradition.
  • Motivation: Harlan is motivated by a desire to maintain the honor and prosperity of the Grantham household. He takes pride in his work and seeks to ensure the smooth operation of the manor.
  • Duties: Harlan oversees the purchase of supplies, manages household servants, keeps accurate accounts of household expenses, and controls access to the lord. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of the manor and ensures that everything runs efficiently.
  • Politics with the Grantham Family: Harlan is a trusted advisor to Mayor Connor Grantham and has a close relationship with him. He respects the mayor's authority but is also willing to voice concerns and suggestions when necessary. His loyalty to the Grantham family is unquestionable, and he plays a key role in maintaining the household's stability.
Captain of the Guard: Captain Garrick Vardon
  • Physical Description: Captain Garrick Vardon is a rugged man in his early forties, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He has a weathered face marked by a few scars, short-cropped brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. He wears a suit of well-maintained armor and carries a longsword at his side.
  • Personality: Garrick is a no-nonsense, disciplined leader with a strong sense of duty. He is courageous, decisive, and fiercely protective of those under his command. Though strict, he is also fair and earns the respect of his men through his actions.
  • Background: Garrick served in the Verbobonc military for many years, rising through the ranks due to his skill and bravery in battle. After retiring from active duty, he was appointed as the captain of the guard at Connor Estate Farm.
  • Motivation: Garrick is driven by a commitment to protect the manor and its inhabitants. He takes pride in his role and strives to maintain a well-trained and efficient guard force.
  • Duties: Garrick commands the manor guard, oversees security, and ensures the safety of the Grantham family. He is responsible for training the guards, planning defense strategies, and managing day-to-day security operations.
  • Politics with the Grantham Family: Garrick has a professional relationship with Mayor Connor Grantham. He respects the mayor's authority but is primarily focused on his duty to protect the estate. He often collaborates with Harlan Arvannor to ensure the manor's security needs are met.
Master Baker and Cook: Pedr Gittins
  • Physical Description: Pedr Gittins is a stout man in his late forties, with a round face and rosy cheeks. He has short, curly hair and a neatly trimmed mustache. Pedr is often seen wearing a flour-dusted apron and a friendly smile.
  • Personality: Pedr is jovial, warm-hearted, and has an infectious enthusiasm for cooking and baking. He is meticulous in his work and takes great pride in the quality of his creations.
  • Background: Pedr comes from a family of bakers and cooks. He has honed his skills through years of experience and training, making him one of the best in the region. He was hired by the Grantham family due to his exceptional talent.
  • Motivation: Pedr is motivated by a love for his craft and a desire to bring joy to others through his food. He strives to maintain the highest standards in his kitchen and enjoys experimenting with new recipes.
  • Duties: Pedr oversees the kitchen and bakehouse, prepares meals for the household, and ensures a steady supply of baked goods. He also manages the kitchen staff and coordinates with Harlan for supplies.
  • Politics with the Grantham Family: Pedr is well-liked by the Grantham family, especially for his culinary skills. He enjoys a friendly rapport with them and often engages in lighthearted conversations with Mayor Connor during meal times.
Steward of the Manor: Yeldos Ayatev
  • Physical Description: Yeldos Ayatev is a tall, slender man in his early fifties. He has thinning black hair, sharp features, and wears glasses. His attire is always immaculate, reflecting his meticulous nature.
  • Personality: Yeldos is pragmatic, detail-oriented, and highly efficient. He is a master of logistics and administration, with a calm demeanor and a sharp mind.
  • Background: Yeldos has a background in commerce and estate management. He was brought into the Grantham household to oversee the financial and logistical aspects of running the manor, bringing a wealth of experience to the role.
  • Motivation: Yeldos is driven by a desire to ensure the smooth operation and financial stability of the manor. He takes pride in his work and aims to uphold the reputation of the Grantham household.
  • Duties: Yeldos manages the estate’s finances, oversees agricultural production, and coordinates the various activities of the manor. He ensures that all operations run efficiently and that resources are used effectively.
  • Politics with the Grantham Family: Yeldos is a trusted advisor to Mayor Connor Grantham and often collaborates closely with Harlan. He respects the mayor’s authority and works diligently to support the family's interests.
Herald: Tavian Grantham
  • Physical Description: Tavian Grantham is a tall, thin man in his late forties with a scholarly appearance. He has neatly combed brown hair, a clean-shaven face, and wears simple yet elegant clothing. He often carries a quill and parchment.
  • Personality: Tavian is intelligent, articulate, and diplomatic. He is deeply knowledgeable about heraldry, history, and the noble families of the region. He is a patient listener and a skilled negotiator.
  • Background: Tavian is a distant relative of Mayor Connor Grantham and has always had an interest in history and heraldry. He was educated at a prestigious institution and brought into the manor to serve as the herald.
  • Motivation: Tavian is motivated by a passion for history and a desire to preserve the legacy of the Grantham family. He takes pride in his work and aims to maintain accurate records and facilitate smooth communication.
  • Duties: Tavian keeps track of the mayor's business, teaches clan history to the household, and conducts negotiations on the lord’s behalf. He maintains official records and ensures that the family’s lineage and achievements are well-documented.
  • Politics with the Grantham Family: Tavian has a respectful relationship with Mayor Connor Grantham and enjoys the trust of the family. His position allows him to influence decisions and maintain the family's historical legacy.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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