P1. Market Square and Tower Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P1. Market Square and Tower

The Market Square and Tower is the bustling center of Penwick, where the Harvest Road from the township of Etterboek  meets the Merchants Way from the Verbobonc, City. This large open space serves as a hub for local farmers and visiting peddlers to trade their goods. Dominating the square is a three-story guard tower, a stone keep that leans to the east, bearing the banner of House Kolgrim.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
The Market Square is strategically located at the intersection of the Long Road and Merchants Way, making it the focal point of Penwick's commercial and social activities. The open space is vast, accommodating numerous stalls and booths where farmers and peddlers sell their wares. The square is lined with cobblestones, and large oak trees provide shade for the traders and customers.
  • Location: Center of Penwick, where Long Road meets Merchants' Way.
  • Guard Tower: Three-story stone keep leaning to the east with House Kolgrim's banner
Major Locale Features
The market is lined with a variety of stalls, each covered by brightly colored awnings that flutter in the breeze. Several troubadours and street entertainers wander the crowds, performing for small coins. The street is cobbled—a rarity in this part of town—and some of the buildings jut out over the street.
  • Stall Layout: Neat rows creating narrow alleyways.
  • Awnings: Brightly colored, fluttering in the breeze.
  • Entertainers: Troubadours and street performers.
  • Street Surface: Cobbled with some buildings jutting out.
Minor Locale Features
Wind-blown rubbish drifts through the market, and birds perch on several stall awnings. A small fountain gurgles midway down the street, where shoppers gather to listen to the water and chat. Deliberately spaced trees grow along the street, providing shade and a touch of nature.
  • Wind-Blown Rubbish: Leaves, scraps of cloth.
  • Birds: Perching on awnings.
  • Fountain: Midway down the street, a gathering spot.
  • Trees: Deliberately spaced for shade.
What's Going On?
The market is often busy, with many customers browsing the various stalls and their offerings. A town crier moves among the shoppers, calling out details of the various stalls and their special offers. On sunny days, the market's mood is relaxed and cheerful, with stallholders and shoppers engaging in friendly banter.
  • Market Activity: Busy with many customers.
  • Town Crier: Announces special offers.
  • Market Mood: Relaxed and cheerful on sunny days.
Other Folk
A diverse array of individuals can be found at the market. These include beggars, urchins, and commoners, each with their own stories and reasons for being there. Notable characters include a wealthy merchant slumming it at the market, a stray dog sniffing around for scraps, and street folk lurking at the market's periphery begging for coin.
  • Wealthy Merchant: Slumming it at the market.
  • Stray Dog: Sniffing for scraps.
  • Street Folk: Begging at the market's periphery.
The Guard Tower
The most prominent feature of the Market Square is the three-story guard tower, a stone keep that leans decidedly to the east. This tower serves as a lookout and a base for the local militia. Hanging above the entrance is the dusty banner of House Kolgrim, depicting a black griffon on a field of azure, symbolizing the lord protector's authority over Penwick.
  • Structure: Three-story stone keep
  • Condition: Leaning to the east
  • Banner: House Kolgrim’s black griffon on a field of azure
Emergency Muster
Mayor Connor Grantham has the authority to muster a well-armed militia quickly in times of need. He can summon fifty armed men by nightfall and up to three hundred by the next day. This rapid response capability is crucial for dealing with sudden threats and maintaining the town's security.
Rapid Response
  • Fifty armed men by nightfall
  • Three hundred by the next day
  • Authority: Mayor Connor Grantham 
Drafting Mercenaries
In addition to the local militia, Mayor Connor Grantham can draft mercenaries and adventurers to assist in defending Penwick. This flexibility allows the town to bolster its defenses and address specific threats more effectively.
  • Flexibility: Drafting mercenaries and adventurers
  • Purpose: Bolster defenses and address threats

Historical Significance

The Market Square and Tower have played a central role in Penwick's history, serving as the main venue for trade and community gatherings. The guard tower, with its leaning structure, stands as a testament to the town's resilience and the enduring authority of House Kolgrim.
  • Role: Main venue for trade and community gatherings
  • Symbolism: Resilience and authority of House Kolgrim

Political Dynamics

House Asbury and House Milinous hold significant sway over Penwick. The market's operation and the guard tower's presence ensure that House Kolgrim's influence is also felt. The market square serves as a neutral ground where the interests of various houses intersect, promoting cooperation and trade.
  • House Asbury and House Milinous: Significant local influence.
  • House Kolgrim: Influence through the guard tower.
  • Market Square: Neutral ground for cooperation and trade.

Economic and Social Impact

The Market Square is the economic heart of Penwick, where local farmers and visiting peddlers trade goods, fostering a sense of community and economic interdependence. The presence of the guard tower and regular patrols ensures that the market operates smoothly and safely, attracting traders from nearby regions.
  • Economic Hub: Trade by local farmers and visiting peddlers
  • Community: Fostering social and economic interdependence
  • Security: Ensured by guard tower and militia patrols


The Market Square and Tower are essential to the life of Penwick, serving as the primary venue for trade, social interaction, and community defense. With its strategic location, prominent guard tower, and well-organized militia, the Market Square embodies the resilience and communal spirit of Penwick, ensuring the town's prosperity and security in the heart of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Penwick Market square and Guard Tower by 3orcs

Militia Patrols

  The regular militia, wearing House Milinous tabards, patrols the town and the surrounding roads. These well-trained guards ensure the safety and order of Penwick, protecting it from threats such as bandits and wild creatures.
  • Uniform: House Milinous tabards
  • Patrolling the town and roads
  • Ensuring safety and order
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Milinous coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: Township of Penwick by 3orcs


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