P8. The Cart and Coin Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P8. The Cart and Coin

The Cart and Coin is a bustling establishment in Penwick that specializes in selling and swapping horses and draft animals. It also deals in feed, horseshoes, and other gear. Run by the dedicated Widdens family, the establishment is a key resource for the community and travelers alike.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
The Cart and Coin is centrally located in Penwick, making it easily accessible to both locals and visitors. The establishment features a large barn with several stalls, a loft for hay storage, and outdoor stalls under a thatched roof. The barn doors open to reveal a well-organized space with horses in stalls, saddles on stands, and tack on the walls.
Buildings and Features
  • Large barn with several stalls
  • Loft for hay storage
  • Outdoor stalls under a thatched roof
  • Organized space with saddles on stands and tack on walls
The barn doors open to reveal several stalls—two with horses sticking their heads over the half-doors—a loft low on hay, saddles on stands, and tack on the walls. A stablegirl exits and carries a coil of rope toward a short row of outdoor stalls under a thatched roof. In one, a tall, dappled mare whinnies and paws the ground with her hoof.
The owners are a married couple named Arn and Syreen Widdens (NG human commoners). They have four young children (noncombatants) and employ half a dozen workers (N male human commoners) to feed and exercise the animals, clean the stables, and replace horseshoes.

Current Events and Local Flavor

Daily Operations
The Cart and Coin is a hive of activity, with stablehands and family members bustling about their daily tasks. The stablegirl is often seen carrying coils of rope and tending to the horses, while the children play nearby. The atmosphere is lively and welcoming, reflecting the Widdens' commitment to their business and customers.
  • Atmosphere: Lively and welcoming
Daily Activities
  • Stablehands feeding and exercising animals
  • Family members managing sales and customer service

Local Politics and Influence

The Cart and Coin plays a significant role in the local community, providing essential services and goods. The Widdens are respected members of Penwick, and their establishment is a gathering place for locals and travelers alike. Their business practices and community involvement have earned them a positive reputation.
  • Community Role: Essential service provider and gathering place
  • Reputation: Positive due to fair business practices and community involvement


The Cart and Coin is a cornerstone of Penwick, offering quality horses, gear, and stable services. Run by the dedicated Widdens family, the establishment is known for its integrity and commitment to the community. Despite the daily hustle and occasional challenges, The Cart and Coin remains a vital and beloved part of Penwick, supporting both the local economy and the needs of travelers.
The Cart and Coin by 3orcs
"Ride with confidence, choose The Cart and Coin."
The Widdens Family
Owners: Arn and Syreen Widdens
Arn and Syreen Widdens are the warm and hardworking owners of The Cart and Coin. They are known for their integrity and dedication to their business and family. Their commitment to providing quality horses and gear has earned them a good reputation in Penwick.
  • Names: Arn and Syreen Widdens
  • Roles: Owners of The Cart and Coin
Personality Traits
  • Arn: Practical, friendly, and hardworking
  • Syreen: Warm, nurturing, and diligent
  • Motivation: To provide quality horses and gear, and to support their family and community
Arn and Syreen have four young children, who are noncombatants and help with light chores around the establishment. They are a close-knit family, and the children are often seen playing in the yard or helping their parents with minor tasks.
  • Children: Four young children (noncombatants)
  • Roles: Assist with light chores
  • Family Dynamics: Close-knit and supportive
"Quality horses, trusted gear."
Parent Location
Services and Activities
Horse and Draft Animal Sales
The Cart and Coin specializes in selling and swapping horses and draft animals. They ensure that all animals are healthy and well-trained, making them reliable for work and travel.
  • Selling and swapping horses and draft animals
  • Ensuring animals are healthy and well-trained
Feed and Gear Sales
In addition to animals, The Cart and Coin deals in a variety of feed, horseshoes, and other gear essential for horse care and travel. This makes it a one-stop shop for all equestrian needs. Products
  • Feed and horseshoes
  • Saddles, tack, and other gear
Stable Services
The establishment employs half a dozen workers to feed and exercise the animals, clean the stables, and replace horseshoes. This ensures that the stables are well-maintained and that the animals receive proper care.
  • Staff: Half a dozen workers (N male human commoners)
  • Feeding and exercising animals
  • Cleaning stables
  • Replacing horseshoes

Cover image: by 3orcs


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