P3. Caravan Campground Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P3. Caravan Campground

The South Caravan Campground, located in the township of Penwick, is a well-maintained field that offers a safe and convenient resting place for caravans passing through the area. This campground, equipped with a central fresh water well, provides ample space for wagons, tents, and campfires, making it an ideal stop for travelers. This is much like the P2. North Caravan Campground and both fields are maintened by Darz Helgar also a devout priest of Fharlanghn, the god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
The South Caravan Campground is situated on the southern outskirts of Penwick, easily accessible for caravans traveling through the township. The field is surrounded by a sturdy wooden fence, ensuring the security of the parked wagons and contained oxen. The spacious lot provides plenty of room for caravans to pitch tents and build campfires, creating a comfortable and communal atmosphere for travelers.
  • Location: Southern outskirts of Penwick
  • Fenced-in field for wagons and oxen
  • Ample space for tents and campfires
  • Fresh water well in the middle of the yard

Community Role and Importance

Safe Haven for Travelers
The South Caravan Campground plays a crucial role in the community of Penwick by providing a safe and welcoming haven for caravans passing through the town. It fosters a sense of security and community among travelers, who often share stories and resources around campfires.
  • Role: Safe haven for travelers
  • Importance: Fosters security and community

Contribution to Local Economy

The campground also contributes to the local economy by attracting caravans that trade goods and services with the townsfolk. This exchange supports the local market and strengthens Penwick’s connections with the broader region.
  • Economic Contribution: Attracts caravans that trade with townsfolk

Maintenance and Cleanliness

Community Efforts
The cleanliness and maintenance of the South Caravan Campground are a community effort, with local volunteers and hired hands ensuring that the grounds remain clean and welcoming. Regular clean-ups and maintenance tasks are carried out to keep the campground in good condition.
  • Maintenance: Community effort involving volunteers and hired hands
  • Cleanliness: Regular clean-ups and maintenance tasks

Historical Significance

The South Caravan Campground has been a part of Penwick's infrastructure for many years, serving as a reliable stop for travelers. Its establishment and continued use reflect the township's commitment to providing hospitality and support for those passing through.
  • Role: Reliable stop for travelers
  • Significance: Reflects township’s commitment to hospitality


The South Caravan Campground is an essential part of Penwick, providing a secure and convenient resting place for caravans. With its central fresh water well, ample camping space, and community-driven maintenance, the campground is a valued resource for travelers and the local community alike. It plays a vital role in fostering a sense of security and community, contributing to the economic and social fabric of Penwick.
North Caravan Campground Penwick by 3orcs
Key Features   Central Fresh Water Well
A 30-foot-deep stone well located in the middle of the campground provides fresh water for the caravans. This well is a vital resource, ensuring that both travelers and their animals have access to clean drinking water.
  • Location: Center of the campground
  • Feature: 30-foot-deep stone well
Services and Amenities
Campground Services
The South Caravan Campground offers a range of services and amenities to ensure the comfort and convenience of passing caravans. These include parking for wagons, containment for oxen, fresh water from the well, and ample space for camping.
  • Free parking for wagons
  • Containment for oxen
  • Fresh water supply
  • Ample space for tents and campfires
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Darz Helgar by 3orcs
Fharlanghn holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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