P12. The Church of the Stalwart Shield: Heart of Penwick Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P12. The Church of the Stalwart Shield: Heart of Penwick

The Church of the Guiding Light, dedicated to St. Cuthbert, is the center of community life in Penwick. Built of sturdy stone, the church is plain but serves multiple roles, from spiritual guidance to community gatherings. Canon Gustaf Lagerfeld, the ordained priest of St. Cuthbert, tends to the village’s spiritual and communal needs, making him one of the most respected figures in Penwick.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout The Church of the Guiding Light is centrally located in Penwick, making it a focal point for the community. The church is a sturdy, stone-built structure with a plain exterior, reflecting its humble yet important role in village life. A small bell tower rises above the entrance, calling villagers to services and gatherings. The church grounds include a small, attached acreage known as the glebe, which supports the priest.
  • Location: Central Penwick
Exterior Features
  • Sturdy, plain stone structure
  • Small bell tower
  • Glebe (attached acreage for support)
Inside the Church
Inside, the church is simple but welcoming. Wooden pews line the nave, leading up to a modest altar adorned with symbols of St. Cuthbert. Stained glass windows depict scenes from the saint’s life, casting colorful light across the stone floor. The interior is often used for regular services, weddings, and important community occasions.
Interior Features
  • Wooden pews and modest altar
  • Stained glass windows depicting St. Cuthbert’s life
  • Multipurpose use: services, weddings, community events

Background and Motivation

Gustaf hails from a long line of clerics dedicated to Church of St Cuthbert. He chose to serve in Penwick after feeling a calling to support rural communities. His motivation stems from a genuine desire to help others and to uphold the teachings of St. Cuthbert. Gustaf is driven by his faith and his commitment to making Penwick a better place.
  • Background: Comes from a lineage of clerics
  • Motivation: Desire to help others, uphold teachings of St. Cuthbert, improve Penwick

Community Role

Spiritual Leader
Gustaf holds regular services on holy days, providing spiritual guidance to the villagers. He also acts as a marriage counselor, financial adviser, tutor, and advocate, leveraging his education and experience to support the community in various ways.
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Marriage counselor
  • Financial adviser
  • Tutor
  • Advocate

Community Hub

The Church of the Guiding Light doubles as a community hall for weddings and important events. Each morning, the Reeve doles out work assignments to the assembled villagers from the church steps, making it a central point for daily life.
  • Community hall for events
  • Work assignments distribution point

Village Politics and Relationships

Gustaf maintains a close relationship with Mayor Connor Grantham, often advising him on matters of faith and community welfare. His influence extends to the noble House Milinous, particularly Lord Simon Milinous, who respects Gustaf's wisdom and moral integrity. The church's alignment with St. Cuthbert's teachings often brings it into collaboration with other religious and political entities within the Viscounty of Verbobonc .

Current Issues

Financial Struggles Like many rural churches, The Church of the Guiding Light faces financial challenges. Gustaf relies on tithes paid in coin or kind, and the poorest villagers often exchange labor on the glebe in lieu of payment. Ensuring the church’s upkeep and supporting the community remains a constant concern.
  • Challenge: Financial struggles
  • Impact: Affects church upkeep and community support
  • Solution: Tithes and labor exchange


The Church of the Guiding Light, under the stewardship of Canon Gustaf Lagerfeld, stands as a beacon of faith and community in Penwick. With its sturdy stone structure and welcoming interior, the church serves as a hub for spiritual guidance, communal events, and daily village life. Gustaf’s compassionate leadership and dedication to the teachings of St. Cuthbert ensure that the church remains a vital part of Penwick, supporting and uplifting its residents through faith and service.
The Church of the Guiding Light Heart of Penwick by 3orcs
"Unity in community, strength in faith."
Canon Gustaf Lagerfeld
Canon Gustaf Lagerfeld is a compassionate and wise figure, known for his dedication to the spiritual and communal well-being of Penwick. He is approachable and kind, often offering a listening ear and thoughtful advice. Gustaf is deeply committed to his faith and his role in the village, balancing his religious duties with his responsibilities as a community leader.
  • Role: Canon of St. Cuthbert at The Church of the Guiding Light
Personality Traits
  • Compassionate and wise
  • Approachable and kind
  • Deeply committed to faith and community
Physical Description
Gustaf is a tall, lean man in his early sixties, with a serene and dignified presence. His silver hair is neatly combed, and his clear blue eyes convey both wisdom and warmth. Gustaf often wears simple, priestly robes, and his hands are always clean, a sign of his meticulous nature.
  • Appearance: Tall, lean, early sixties, silver hair, blue eyes, simple robes
Canon Gustaf Lagerfeld by 3orcs
Temple / Church
Parent Location
"In St. Cuthbert's name, we find our way."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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