P22. The Graveyard of Penwick Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P22. The Graveyard of Penwick

Perched atop a ridge at the south end of town is an old cemetery where many of Penwick’s first settlers are buried under weatherworn headstones. The oldest graves are located on a plot of land enclosed by an old, unpainted picket fence. In another section to the east is the soldiers and hero's lost during The Battle of Emridy Meadows war.
The carefully maintained landscape of this gloomy cemetery is marred by several large holes gaping like wounds in its grassy lawn. Someone has taken the time and effort to excavate well-established graves, leaving six-foot ditches littering the grounds. From this vantage point, you cannot tell if the graves are still occupied—or even if the graves have been excavated from within!Perched on a ridge at the south end of Penwick, the graveyard is a place of somber reflection and eerie tranquility. The cemetery, housing the remains of the town's earliest settlers and fallen heroes, is both a historical monument and a site of mystery.

Location of the Township

Penwick, located in the eastern Viscounty of Verbobonc, is a small, verdant township known for its rich history and close-knit community. The graveyard is situated on a ridge at the south end of town, offering a commanding view of the surrounding area.

History and Layout

The graveyard of Penwick dates back to the town's founding. It serves as the final resting place for many of the town's first settlers, as well as soldiers and heroes who perished in The Battle of Emridy Meadows. The cemetery is divided into several sections:  
  • Old Settlers' Plot: Enclosed by an old, unpainted picket fence, this area holds the graves of Penwick's earliest inhabitants.
  • Heroes' Section: To the east, this section honors soldiers and heroes lost during the Battle of Emridy Meadows, marked by more elaborate headstones and monuments.
  • Common Graves: The largest section, reserved for the common folk of Penwick, with simpler headstones and markers.

Physical Description

The cemetery is a carefully maintained landscape marred by several large, mysterious holes, suggesting recent disturbances. By day, it is a quiet, somber place, but by night, it transforms into a mist-shrouded, eerie landscape:  
  • Daytime: The graveyard is peaceful, with well-kept lawns and weatherworn headstones. Paths meander through the graves, and a few large oaks provide shade.
  • Nighttime: Mist creeps over the ground, and moonlight casts a silver hue over the fog. Tombstones cast long shadows, and the occasional howl of predators adds to the unsettling atmosphere.
Nighttime Atmosphere
At night, the cemetery transforms into a mist-shrouded, eerie landscape. Moonlight pierces through the fog, illuminating the tombstones with a ghostly glow. The air is filled with the distant howls of predators and the creaking of trees, adding to the otherworldly ambiance.
  • Mist: Shrouds the cemetery at night.
  • Moonlight: Creates a ghostly glow.
  • Atmosphere: Eerie and otherworldly.


Mordecai maintains a neutral stance in the politics of Penwick. He respects Mayor Connor Grantham and works closely with the town's religious leaders, including the priests of St. Cuthbert and Zodal. However, he is wary of any outside influences that might disrupt the peace of the graveyard.  
  • Political Stance: Neutral.
  • Relationships: Cordial with town leadership.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
The graveyard and Mordecai Grey hold a unique position in Penwick and the Verbobonc, Viscounty. Mordecai has a respectful relationship with the local lords, including House Asbury and House Milinous. He is particularly appreciated by Baroness Elinor Asbury for his dedication to the town's heritage.
Current Issues and Mysteries
Grave Disturbances: Recently, several graves have been excavated, leaving six-foot ditches. It is unclear whether these disturbances are the work of grave robbers or something more sinister.  
  • Mysterious Sightings: At night, residents have reported strange lights and shadows moving among the tombstones, adding to the graveyard's eerie reputation.
  • Unseen Forces: Mordecai suspects that the disturbances may be linked to darker forces at work in Penwick, possibly related to the recent increase in undead sightings in the region.


The graveyard of Penwick is a place of history, mystery, and quiet reflection. Under Mordecai Grey's watchful eye, it remains a vital part of the town's heritage. However, recent disturbances hint at darker forces at play, making the cemetery a potential focal point for adventurers seeking to uncover the secrets buried within its hallowed grounds.
The Graveyard of Penwick by 3orcs
"In the end, we all return to the earth; my job is to make sure it's a peaceful journey."
Graveyard Tender: Mordecai Grey
Physical Description
Mordecai is a tall, gaunt man in his late fifties with deep-set eyes and gray-streaked hair. He wears dark, weather-beaten clothes suitable for his work in the graveyard.
  • Height: Tall and gaunt.
  • Hair: Gray-streaked.
  • Clothing: Dark and weather-beaten.
Mordecai is a somber and contemplative individual. He is deeply respectful of the dead and takes great pride in maintaining the cemetery. Despite his somber demeanor, he is kind-hearted and willing to help those in need.
  • Disposition: Somber and contemplative.
  • Attitude: Respectful of the dead.
  • Nature: Kind-hearted.
Background and Motivation
Having lost his family to a tragic accident, Mordecai found solace in caring for the dead. His dedication to the cemetery is both a personal and professional commitment. He is motivated by a desire to honor those who have passed and ensure their resting place remains peaceful.
  • Family: Lost in a tragic accident.
  • Dedication: Personal and professional commitment.
  • Motivation: To honor and maintain peace for the deceased.
Mordecai is responsible for the overall upkeep of the graveyard, including maintaining the headstones, tending to the grounds, and overseeing burials. He also acts as a guide for visitors, sharing the history and stories of those interred.
  • Maintenance: Headstones and grounds.
  • Burials: Oversees and conducts ceremonies.
  • Guidance: Acts as a guide for visitors.
Parent Location
Mordecai Grey by 3orcs
"The dead tell no tales, but their stones whisper secrets to those who listen."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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