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Trollslayers of the Smoke & Stagger

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of It's Always Sunny in Waterdeep
| Full

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 14th March 2020 21:00

Session 19

Ott Future Xanathar Gang Kill Them All   The Guildhall Day Games

Sun 23rd February 2020 21:00

Session 18.0 - 18.2

Speaking with the Departed   Out of Mind, Out of Sight   From a Land Drow Under   Lock Blocker   Honor Among Thieves

Sun 16th February 2020 21:00

Session 17

A Noble Bloodbath

Sun 26th January 2020 21:00

Session 16

Fireball!   I, Nimblewright

Sat 18th January 2020 21:00

Session 15

The Doppel-Gang   Brain-Eaten Barbarian 2: Electric Boogalo

Sat 4th January 2020 21:00

Session 14

Escape from Blue Alley   Primara's Moral Quandary

Sun 8th December 2019 21:00

Session 13

Let the Hand Handle Him   The Sleuth After the Slitherer   Blue Sodalite, Pink Celestite

Sun 17th November 2019 21:00

Session 12

Volo's Guided Tour to Waterdeep

Sat 9th November 2019 21:00

Session 11

Better Dead than Black & Red   Keep the Change   Blue Alley Benefactor

Sun 27th October 2019 21:00

Session 10

A Trolltide Scare

Sun 20th October 2019 21:00

Session 9

The Smoke & Stagger: Open for Business

Sat 28th September 2019 21:00

Session 8.0 - 8.1

A Bone-Thief in the Night   Open Interviews for Trollskull Manor   Straight from the Horse's Mouth   Four-Eyes in the Book Shop   Bloody Noses   Hotter Than the Nine Hells Gossip

Sat 21st September 2019 21:00

Session 7

The Coven, The Witch, and the Rescue   The Foot Race Finalists   Lorafiiel's Favor   Cut the Cutthroat's Throat

Sun 15th September 2019 14:00

Session 6

How to Meet Your Dragon   The Metal Manta Ray   The Plowing & The Running   One Hand Washes Another

Sat 7th September 2019 13:00

Session 5

Putting the Cart before the Horse   Gambling with the Gangsters

Sat 24th August 2019 13:00

Session 4

Mountain Meditations   Deadly Discrimination   Greet the Neighbors

Sat 27th July 2019 13:00

Session 3.0 - 3.2

Interrogation, Interrupted   A Deed for Volo, A Deed from Volo   Mind Drifting Aflay   A Springwarden's Blossom

Sun 21st July 2019 0:00

Session 2

The Technicolor Kenku Crew   Can't Spell Sewers Without 'Ew'

Sat 13th July 2019 0:00

Session 1

A Troll in the Tavern   The Missing Himbo

Sat 29th June 2019 0:00

Session 0

Welcome to Waterdeep

This story is told by

The Protagonists


8 / 8 HP


Summerstrider of Waterdeep Starchild

Level 5 Human Chaotic Good Sorcerer
/ 32 HP

Nymexida "Nymmy" Da'Shaad

Chaotic/Neutral Good Drow ()
Warlock 5
Bard 2
48 / 48 HP