Spiritual Bond/Spiritualism

"The final Order, those of the Diamond Order. wielders of the manna of Meanma, their bond is unique as well. They, much like our brethren of the Amethyst Order, are acutely aware of their mortality and mortality in general, but also of the immortality of the Soul, and thus, they too fear not the end, for very different reasons. They intimately understand the end is not the End, so long as your soul is kept safe from the Void. Your bonding will allow you to feel more, to process more, to read emotions and energy in ways I cannot properly explain, and this has a very notable and interesting effect upon those of the Diamond Order. A compassionate energy, an emotional intelligence that most other Magisters will not possess. Its not the same as the Ruby Order, your pyromancer brethren feel it internally, their own emotions are energetic like a wildfire. No you will have a wider empathic emotional intellect, reading the people, creatures and energies around you. This is but one facet of many to consider, so now let us discuss how the Spirit Bond effects those of the Diamond Order."

First Arcanist Theresa Lindlewood, giving the introductory lecture to the a hall of several dozen newly marked magister hopefuls in the Academia of Octi, the largest campus of the Magisterium, in the city of Valenwood.

Magisters of the Diamond Order are a completely unique sort compared to others. They are generally valued members of the communities they are in, and are the least commonly seen in a similar manner as magisters of other orders due to their reputation as healers, caregivers, and medics. They are friendly, well spoken, and caring individuals, often with a reputation for seeming motherly/fatherly in nature and behavior. They are natural caregivers. They are also exceedingly in tune with more esoteric elements, seeming gifted by Meanma with a level of...innate esoteric knowledge that others may lack. They are the most obvious magisters of any of the orders, solely dedicated and focused on their magicks. They must also have the most reliable and most stringent mental discipline, focus and ability of any magister, and they are all brilliant, personable, highly intelligent and well wizened individuals. Through study, through social education, through social service in medicine and teaching, and through years of these practices, an acolyte becomes ready for the Spiritual Bond


Like any of the elemental magick bonds, the Spiritual Bond manifests in a wide ranging variety of ways, effecting the body physically and physiologically, as well as effecting the mental and emotional state of the magister. It will again effect everything from dietary choices to training methods, and discipline/behavior to simple matters of taste in literature and artwork.

Physical Changes

So for those whom experience a Spiritual Bond to the Aether are effected in two distinct fashions. The first of note is that they will always be quite healthy, an almost glow to them, seeming naturally resistant to illness or sickness. The second will be how they age, for though they will grow wizened and silver haired, they will stay spry and seemingly youthfully energetic, experiencing an effect similar to those of the Amethyst Order, their lifespan expectancy almost doubling compared to their racial norms. Diamond Magisters are the rarest and least common of magisters/magister hopefuls, only making up about 4-5% of all magisters across Valerick. Spiritualists, as they are known, will experience potentially a number of other changes, and will generally experience at least one;

  • Silvering and then whitening of hair, and greying of irises

  • A near immunity to bright lights and light based blindness, seeming to have no issues with blinding lights

  • An ability to swiftly heal, seeming to recover more swiftly than normal from injuries, and less likely to scar in any way.

  • A wildly varied taste in food, always seeking the joy of different tastes. It seems to be a part and parcel of being so tied to life itself. They seem resilient even immune to addiction, yet sample freely from the world of narcotics and alcohol, wishing to experience life.

Emotional Changes

Diamond Magisters are known to become seekers of happiness and joy, and spreading merriment all about. They are skilled healers and caretakers, however part of health is to feel good, and this is something they seek to enable. They are quite empathic naturally, able to read emotions of people and creatures around them at a whim, and generally, unless confronted with heretics, apostates intent on destruction, or Void-tainted or Voidling creatures, are opposed to violence. They are not warriors, not in a primary sense, and do not enjoy the thought of combat. They often, if traveling with a band or group, they will quite swiftly fall into a motherly/fatherly role, a caretaking sort of attitude.

Physiological Changes

Magisters of the Diamond Order do seem to be altered biologically. They seem immune to light based blindness, even if they stare at the sun itself. They are resistant to diseases of any kinds, they seem to heal from injuries swiftly as well, their body seeming capable of rapid recovery compared to what may be normal for someone similar.

by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.

Spiritualism is not like any of our fellows and their schools of magick, no we are deeply unique. You see the practice of Spiritualism is in some part, based on not a transactional nature such as is the other schools of magick, where the magister is purifying, venting and strengthening the Aether with their practice, if done carefully. We do this of course, however our relationship with Meanma is not of such a simple or transactional nature. No, we are its nerve endings. Spirit. Soul, the essence of sentience and sanity, the essence of light and decency, the essence of kindness. Of the protector. We are the protective parent, the caring nurse, to reality itself. Such is the promise of our bond. We are the nerve ending, the conduit and the tool to protect, repair, and heal the world around us. That is our intrinsic agreement, and it is through this lens that we may be gifted the power of Spirit to wield.

The source of a Spiritualist's power is the diamond current of manna, that of Meanma, the manna of Soul, of Spirit, of Light. Meanma is brilliant, luminescent, soothing, healing, yet with amazing and mighty cleansing power. For a Spiritualist, they feel the pulse, the mood, the emotions of reality itself, ever pulsing, ever thrumming, and as such, it takes an unbelieveable amount of mental fortitude to wield the magicks of Spiritualism.

A Spiritualist's mastery of of their connection manifests through the spell-forms noted below.

Articles under Spiritual Bond/Spiritualism

Cover image: Magister Jacob Evertsson, conjuring forth a Shimmering Shield by Keon Croucher, using Heroforge


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