CAMP Session 51

A part of CAMP   Within CAMP Year Two   CAMP Session 51
  Bliznia Situation: The East Side Cobras are nearly at war with the Reptilians , and crime has exploded across Bliznea.
Summers of the Characters:   Teacher Interactions: Korzin talks about battleball and an upcoming get-together. Cila talks archerball and recruitment. Theo talks with Cassandra Angelos , who gives him the idea for an Apricorn but actually wants to make him a Pokémon. He decides to tie a sending stone to the creature, thanks to Rossi. Folantis talks to Cassandra about his nightmares and how to alleviate them. Olivia talks to Cila about her internship and plans to continue helping. Haeg is specifically asked to sign up for a new Botany class by a very short new teacher.
Plot Developments: Fortuna Woolworth is overheard mentioning that "they considered the arena but apparently they’ll do it at the senate itself," referencing the upcoming wedding between Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil . Prof. Tyrxian Arrorodol is introduced as a new, somewhat hungover teacher who tells Folantis to "get got."
Irma Sarlynn , a well-dressed, jumpy woman, approaches Cila, expressing interest in joining the BBABB, though she seems sketchy. Sebastian Irons , Constable of Bliznia Byron Irons ' kid, is introduced and seems nervous around Theo. Later, he introduces himself to Korzin as well.
Cobra and Gang Politics: Rhubarb talks to Folantis about changes in the East Side Cobras , mentioning a new king named Hurts , and discusses the rising tension with the Reptilians s, a Dragonborn gang. Cyrax the Goliath makes an appearance, ordering six hotdogs with no buns, which is described as wild.
New Leadership at CAMP: Alton Longbranch introduces himself as the new VP of CAMP, emphasizing moving on from past debacles. Percival Bloom is revealed as the new Headmaster of CAMP , who talks about running the school like a business.
The Snake Pit Meeting: Theo is informed by Toots that the Cobras have a new Princess, replacing his previous role. At the Snake Pit, Hurts discusses the land purchases being made by Glitz the Rapscallion and confronts a seller named Roy. In a show of power, Hurts executes Roy, making it clear that the upcoming war is about territory.
Theo's Concerns: Theo talks to Toots, urging her to keep the kids of the Boys and Girls Club out of the coming battle, feeling proud of her efforts.




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