
Saltmarsh is a small but robust town on the coast of Alton. Often a place of rest for ships, traders and merchants before they move southward once more. The town itself sees many drifters and non-permanent residents. Saltmarsh is also a hub for goods that might be seen as too unsavory by the other regions of Alton. While Duke Albert Durnful holds a tight fist on the violent crime in Saltmarsh, he turns a blind eye towards the illegal smuggling of goods. Saltmarsh is known to worship the gods and goddesses of the seas. Saltmarsh calls itself to a mostly human population, with touches of half-elves and the races that might not be as welcome in other parts of Alton.


At its face value, the city is firmly under the control of Marshall Albert Durnful and his command of soldiers and the militia. Under the surface Durnful remains mostly impartial to the influence that the thieves guild that has taken root in the city, so long as they stay away from violence. The guild has bought out influence from the various influential figures around town and conduct a handful of smuggling operations out of the village itself. These figures remain influential throughout the town, and have gained the respect of the denizens for not bringing any violence with their crime.


Captain's Ward:   The oldest part of Saltmarsh, the Captain's ward is home to the government of saltmarsh, and the location of the cities particularly large jail, as well as the city's militia barracks. It is also home to Field Marshal Albert Grimm who rules from an old elvish Royal Galleon that was decommissioned many years prior to the establishment of Saltmarsh.   Riverman's Ward:   The Riverman's Ward is home to the cities bustling markets and trade centers. Centered around the mouth of the river, the Riverman's Ward holds gambling dens, Saltmarsh's best and worst food, and also to generally for the weary sailors to drink away their woes at one of the cities many taverns.     The Mud Ward:   Mostly centered on the outskirts of the town, the Mud Ward is home to Saltmarsh's less than savory denizens. The area at the outside of the city is where the criminal elements of the city find their home. In basements under the apartments and ships lie illegal markets filled with curious wares deemed illegal to sell by the Alton government.


Saltmarsh's foundations are built on the foundations of decommissioned grounded ships of days of old. Since then, additions and buildings have built onto everything that continues to weather the near constant storms that hit the coast. Most of the town sits around the mouth of a river, and in some points the actual town is built over the river with floating houses rocking gently on the waves. Inns and stores sometimes hang onto Saltmarsh by a handful of ropes while they float on the water. The village is large by comparison, but it is still just a village.
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