Sunken Barrow

The Sunken Barrow is a harrowing example of the evil in the world. Deep in the once beautiful woods, many ages ago, there was a temple dedicated to Silvanus, the goddess of nature. However, slowly, her followers were corrupted by an evil that grew within the lands. Slowly the area was corrupted by cultists following the teachings of Nurgle. In their minds, they were trying to cleanse the land of the taint of civilization. However, they unleashed a plague upon the land that no one has been able to clean from the land.    The Sunken Barrow has very few inhabitants due to the disease and plague that permeates the entire area. Those who do live within can only do so with the blessing of Nurgle. They inhabit the caves and abandoned hamlets surrounding the temple itself. Their numbers are small however, usually desperately ill men and women who gave up their lives in order to extend their life before dying. Creatures that once inhabited the forests are now mutated, disease ridden versions of their former selves.   Rangers of Alton guard the outer regions, keeping the diseased beasts within their haunted and sickly bogs and swamps. There also a handful of druids, clerics, paladins, and even monks and bards assist the rangers in containing the plague, while also trying to remove its curse entirely.


The area is now a twisted knot of sickly growth. Flora, diseased and dead still grows thick, choking the life out of any plant that tries to grow anew here. There is a near constant sickly fog that fills the air with the stench of sulfur and decay. Anything that once was green and alive here is now black and sickly, choking out anything that might be living. The beasts and animals that are cursed to wandering the Barrow are constantly hungry, aggressive and sickly looking. In the center of the Barrow lies the old temple of Silvanus. Corrupt and decaying, the temple has long been forgotten by those who truly worship Silvanus, and instead has been infested by the corrupted worshipers of Nurgle. Festering bogs and marshes that smell of death are dotted all over the area, and the entire barrow is constantly blanketed in a darkness.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under