Holden's Stop

Holden's Stop is named after the intrepid adventurer who sailed his ship up the Salre River and landed at the supposed town square. Holden's Stop is regarded by most travelers as a stop on the route to more important business elsewhere. This frustrates some proud residents and local entrepreneurs, but most prefer the small-town lifestyle and are happy to see the passing traders and travelers move on. It's most notorious feature is the nearby Blood Hunter order that takes residence slightly outside of the small village.   Most of the economy is fed by small farming and heavy fishing along the Salre river, and most are happy to keep it that way. Nowadays most traders headed to the Three Sisters or Parvus choose the southern roads, much preferring the shorter trek and greener scenery than the colder and longer northern pass through Holden's Stop. This means that, while in a strategic position, is often undermanned when it comes to Alton's military. Most troops and policing forces have moved northwards either to Riverdown or all the way towards Northguard, where their presence is needed to protect against Volksgrad or Helspire raiders.   This has meant recently that Holden's Stop has been the target of roving goblins or other aggressive creatures coming from the nearby woods.
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