
The extremely small hamlet of Nightsong is hardly mentionable when talking about the most important settlements in Alton. By far the smallest settlement mentioned on any map, Nightsong is known mainly for its extremely large family of wizards and sorcerers. The hamlet itself mostly thrives off of a fishing economy, enough to support its own very small population. Very few trade makes its way to Nightsong, often ships will skip over its port to go straight towards Evermoot. Thus, the town remains part of Alton, but mostly remains an isolated part of the greater Altonese politics.


Nightsong is a small hamlet, with a the greatest percentage of halflings in all of Alton. Albiet, this does only mean a small amount of haflings live here in general. A handful of gnomes and elves even call Nightsong, looking for a more peaceful and quiet life. The people are peaceful, and there are very few warriors here. Although make no mistake, the Masegos keep a careful eye over anyone in the city trying to disturb the peace, and will end any conflict in the town quickly and without mercy. The town has been known to face a handful of magical calamities accidentally set loose by the Masego family, elementals or genies called to the usage of magic in the area. Occasionally lycanthropes are found in the area.


The Field Marshal is an elf who leaves the day to day ruling up to the magical family of Masego. This is because many a Masego has left for one of the mage colleges and returned to serve Alton as a powerful wizard or sorcerer. When the time comes, the Masego family has been known to fully send its entire family as a powerful unit of mages to turn back armies of barbarians threatening Alton from the North.   The Masego family have held control over the hamlet of Nightsong since anyone has remembered. They are extremely large, and all very apt at the magical arts. Whether sorcerers or wizards, the Masego has been known to only marry other magic users in order to keep their magical blood strong. Because of this, there has been a mix of not only elven blood, but also draconic, celestial, demonic, and even genie blood all mixing in their blood. Occasionally one will show more predominant features of that blood than others.


Nestled against the coast, night song is a quiet hamlet of quaint and simple houses and simple folk. Occasionally, the sound of a mishappen spell or incantation can be heard coming from the Masego family manor. The fishing market is by far the most bustling area of the hamlet, with every week leading to the fisherman drinking heavily and trying to sell their wares. The Masego manor nestled high on the hill is heavily protected by magic, and the numerous mages who call the manor their home. It is a peaceful place, with rolling hills and farmlands surrounding it.
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