
A country of wine and fruits, Prester is the jewel of Alton royalty. Many of the most wealthy families in Alton will come here during the colder months to vacation, drink, and enjoy the much more temperate weather here on the coast. It is mostly a rural agrarian town, known for its fine decedent wines. There are three primary families here who control the largest vineyards, and thus control most of the land in Prester. There is a small bardic college here, dedicated to training the entertainers who are destined to work to preserve the festivals and events in Prester.


There are very few here who do not work for the big vineyard families in one capacity or another. The whole economy is based around the growing season, and merchants, servants and farmers alike all claim allegiance to one of the old families or another. All elvish, and all very proud of their respective blends. Those who work for them are all fiercely loyal, with families each claiming generations of loyalty. During the winter months, the families take in labor from further away, throwing festivals during the day and parties at night for the wealthy residents who come to escape the snow.


Due to the amount of wealth each of the three families hold, it is hard to say they do not exert some kind of influence over Prester. While on paper the Field Marshal still rules the land, he really carries very little influence in local governance when compared to the power families. Each family is constantly working to undermine the other. Whether out spending a party they are throwing, or even attempting to sabotage their fields, each commands a wide variety of workers, and security at their disposal. Due to the amount of money that flows to the Alton government, they are mostly left to their own affairs, as long as their fierce competition does not begin to effect the greater region.


Golden canopies and winding creeks combined with a temperate dry weather make Prester a paradise set in wine country. Rolling hills are dotted with vineyards and trees reaching towards the sky. Manors sit on the top of hills, waiting for their royal families to join them in the winter months when it is too cold elsewhere. Dirt packed roads wind alongside brooks and creeks, filled to the brim with fish. The residences are spread out among the country side, but the town of Prester sits near the southern edge of the vineyards. The town itself is built out of beautiful yellow stone, and the tallest building is only three stories at most. Red shingles adorn the roofs, and vines creep up the sides of the buildings. Three large wine houses sit at the center of town, each run by one of the prominent families in the area.
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Owning Organization
Religion:   The largest temple in Prester is home to The Poet, Waukeen. Due to the great amount of festivals, music and dance, it is a well-funded and popular temple. It is the one place all three of the families can congregate and celebrate together with no animosity, and the temple's priests pride themselves on that.

Articles under Prester