Sentinel Stand

Sentinel Stand is hardly more than a keep perched atop a mountain. Positioned in the far north, Sentinel Stand is positioned in a way to protect Alton's borders from those who mean the country harm. This mainly means protecting against the few small mountain passes that wind throughout the hills. These passes are harsh and deadly, with constant avalanches and blizzards wearing them down. Beasts and monstrosities are rife through the passes. Thus, Sentinel Stand keeps watch over passes almost never taken. Less than a hundred Alton warriors call Sentinel Stand their home.


The majority of the Sentinel Stand is monstrosities and beasts that live deep in the mountains. There are several goliath tribes that live far into the mountains and several maintain contact with Sentinel Stand on good terms. A handful of them either help the rangers as guides, in return for food or weapons. There is a rumor of a white dragon nearby in the mountains, but it has dozens of years since it has been seen.


Sentinel Stand is maintained and governed completely by the Alton rangers who man it. The Grand Marshal is a female half-elf who has been a veteran of this area for many years. She knows the land inside and out, and is a fierce Gloom Stalker. Captains lead patrols out into the area, and keep a watchful eye over those trying to pass into Alton's lands.


High atop jagged peaks, amongst biting winds, stands a lonely castle. Small in size, the castle can hardly be seen below. The only way up is a winding path that takes a half day to travel up and down. Some points are so thin they are only a shoulder's width apart. The mountain passes are just as dangerous. There are several supply caches hidden by the rangers of Alton, used to keep watch over the known mountain passes on the surface. There are tunnels carved into the mountains as well, that twist and wind into the underdark. Sentinel Stand also protects these known passage ways from foreign invaders, although anyone traveling these paths are more than likely killed by creatures deep beneath the surface.   The Underway is the primary path into Alton from the North that passes far beneath the mountains. In the most recent years, it has become infested with all manner of creature and monstrosity. Traveling through this way is dangerous enough, and any larger groups would find it impossible. The Grand Marshal has deemed it important to keep a handful of Alton rangers stationed in this pass, and they protect Alton from the creatures in this passage.
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization