Shipbreaker Point

Storms ravage the northern coasts of Alton, some natural, some considered very unnatural. The coasts are difficult to pass by, and many ships refuse to go this far north for fear of losing their lives. Those who do pass northward are hardly greeted with rewards and riches that were worth the journey in the first point. The ships that do pass by the point are young and daring captains seeking to carve out a fortune running supplies or goods to the northern realms, and smuggling illegal goods back down to the south. Inwards, the woods have been warped and changed due to the death and decay that permeates the coast. The woods are twisted with foul beasts, and the coasts are rife with sahaugin.   Those who call Shipbreaker Point home are either monster hunters or outcasts from society that can find a home no other place. Criminals on the run sometimes call this place their home, due to having no other choice. Some sailors lost at sea have come to find the Point their home, unable to leave the place that nearly took their life. Many more monsters and beasts call the twisted forests and sharp coasts their home than any civilized society. On the fringes small gatherings of Alton rangers patrol the Point, to keep the evil from spreading too far inland.


Sharp jagged rocks line the coasts with a near constant overcast. Waves 10 feet tall pull and push against the coast, slamming the rocks near constantly. Long overhanging cliffs are spattered with very little vegetation and life. Further inland trees go twisted and create a dark canopy beneath the stormy clouds. Flora grows thick underneath, making travel difficult and time consuming. Creeks and bogs are scattered about the land, hiding treasures beneath the still water.
Coast / Shore
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