Satin Forest

The Satin Forest is a beautiful land many believed has been touched by the Feywild. It is rife with magic and magical creatures, and grows stunningly tall trees. It holds to settlement of significant portion, but small communities of people have congregated here for one reason or another. Some are here to study the effect of the Feywild on the material plane, others are here to learn from druids who practice old forms of magic. Fey creature leaking from their home plane often find themselves here in the satin forest, causing trouble for the material-bound beings that might call the Satin Forest Home.   The inhabits on the outskirts of the Satin Forest are that of a typical wooded area of the material plane. The trees might grow taller, and the beasts slightly bigger but it otherwise looks unassuming as a forest. The deeper one goes, the more enchanting the forest becomes, with parts of the fey wild bleeding slowly into the material plane in this particular area. More often, creatures found here might be just as likely to be from the fey as they are from the material plane. There are elves who live here as well, the only set of Wood Elves still in the land of Alton. They are few in number, and they mingle with the druids and ranger who set out to protect the area. There is also a small clan of Firbolgs that share the land with Wood Elves, keepers and tenders to the forest's plant life.


The Satin Forest is both beautiful and terrifying at the exact same time. Trees grow to the sky over a hundred feet tall, while a constant mist fills the air in this forest. Enchanting creatures and sounds dance about in the woods, while ponds and lakes dot the interior of the castle. While the forest is welcoming to those who respect it, anyone who means it harm and enters is never seen again. Rumors of laughter coming within the forest are known. They are believed to be the musings of some fey creature who has permanently trapped a lost soul in the woods.
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